
vi. 扮鬼脸;作怪相;作苦相


“No, mostly girls here tonight,” Dan said. “Are you waiting for election day or what? Bring the goddamn horses.” Little Eddie brought them. The dawn was behind him, very faint but coming. Soon it was possible to make out the results of the battle. Wilbarger’s two men were dead, still in their blankets. One was Chick, the little weasel Jake remembered seeing the morning they brought the horses in from Mexico. He had been hit in the neck by a rifle bullet, Frog Lip’s, Dan said. The bullet had practically torn his head loose from his body—the corpse reminded Jake of a dead rabbit, perhaps because Chick had rabbitlike teeth, exposed now in a stiff grimace.>>完整场景
Now Reese is becoming desperate. A grimace spreads across his face. It becomes a grin. Then he's laughing, trying to escape but she won't let him, and they collapse, laughing together.>>完整场景
Close your eyes, Easter. She does, her pained grimace melts into a peaceful smile. JOE (cont'd) Soon. He takes his hand away, and the Orderly wheels Easter off.>>完整场景
wind itself:

VOICE (V.O.) ... Yes. Parrish blinks, has he heard something, has he not, he is not sure, he releases his arm, his grimace of pain fades, the discomfort seems momentarily to have subsided. He rises now, crosses to the bathroom. As he pees, a breeze outside the window, the wind again, but then the Voice comes
