
adj. 变化的;改变的


Mr. Turner, I've changed me mind.>>完整场景
- You haven't changed !>>完整场景
- Now we've got this opportunity to do it with scientific instrumentation in a very controlled manner that allows us to inspect what's there, what's going on, what's changed.>>完整场景
Everybody else saw me as a loser with a big chip on his shoulder. But you saw the better part of me, the part of me that could be like you, and changed me.>>完整场景
Maybe I've assumed too much. Has something changed?>>完整场景
Anthony and Billy are changed men. Anthony stands up; Billy's baffled. Anthony moves out and starts singing.>>完整场景
Like you're untainted it changed me, it changed me!>>完整场景
Is it maybe in your best interest to have the ratings changed? Is it, perhaps?>>完整场景
You see, Lewis didn't know it yet, but he already changed banking forever with one simple idea.>>完整场景
That is until Lewis rainieri came on the scene at Salomon brothers you might not know who he is but he changed your life more than Michael Jordan, the I-pod and YouTube put together!>>完整场景
INT. VITO'S TENEMENT - DAY Despite his new position of 'respect,' there is little changed about his home. Only that they have lived there a while now, and the rooms are fuller with the inevitable possessions a young family acquires.>>完整场景
His refusal is not the act of a friend. He takes the bread out of the mouths of our families. Times have changed, it's not like the old days where everyone can go his own way. If Don Corleone had all the judges and politicians in New York, then he must share them or let others use them. Certainly he can present a bill for such services, we're not Communists, after all.>>完整场景
Our strain gauge measured the pressure differential across a flexible piece of material whose resistance changed with deflection.>>完整场景
You are different. You have changed.>>完整场景
But this changed. Look here.>>完整场景
l've changed and so have you.>>完整场景
Things have changed here, too.>>完整场景
ltaly's really changed.>>完整场景
Gao starts to pull down, gently at first, but when he sees that the old monk's arm is not bending, stronger, until finally he is putting all his strength into it. The old monk's arm has not moved, and his expression of relaxation and piece has not changed.>>完整场景
They haven't changed for centuries, why should we listen to you?>>完整场景
At first I was really bored, and very lonely. But then, things changed. Maybe it's like hitting the wall in running – it was like I became part of the courtyard, and I felt powerful. Even the spider became my friend... Drew opens up his hand to reveal a spider sitting in his palm.>>完整场景
You've really changed.>>完整场景
Have the goals changed from the previous mission... to the Ares 5 program?>>完整场景
He hasn't changed course for 13 days.>>完整场景
In those hours he would lose himself in memory of other times, of other men who had lived with horses, who had broken them, ridden them, died on them. He felt proud of the boy, and with it, anguish that their beginnings had been as they had. It could not be changed, though. He thought he might speak of it sometime, as Gus had wanted him to, and yet he said nothing. He couldn’t. If he happened to be alone with the boy, his words went away. At the thought of speaking about it a tightness came into his throat, as if a hand had seized it. Anyway, what could a few words change? They couldn’t change the years.>>完整场景