
adv. 如此,这么;确是如此


- Not so well as I had hoped.>>完整场景
My desires are not so provincial.>>完整场景
You think the compass leads only to the Isla de Muerta and so you hope to save me from an evil fate.>>完整场景
- So you get Jack and the Black Pearl.>>完整场景
I didn't think so.>>完整场景
Right... so... You will fight against them. They will fight against you. All on account of him, wanting to kill him ?>>完整场景
It's not the destination so much as the journey, they say.>>完整场景
- I think so.>>完整场景
- Yes. I am a woman. So is she.>>完整场景
If you're so keen on killing her, why don't you just let her jump ?>>完整场景
- Is that so ?>>完整场景
But when it comes time to churn butter, so to speak... They snatch a sailor out of a boat, or off the deck of a ship. Have their way.>>完整场景
You can be so charming when you want something, Jack.>>完整场景
And every worthless seaman fears the name. And rightly so.>>完整场景
He has foreseen my death. And so the fates have spoken.>>完整场景
I actually have no interest in the fountain whatsoever, so if your heart is set, you may drop me off anywhere you like.>>完整场景
Never so much as turned his head.>>完整场景
Ah, Master Gibbs, storer of the map. Perhaps you'd be so kind as to provide us a heading.>>完整场景
- So, what is it ?>>完整场景
Always so charming. But you didn't answer me.>>完整场景
I have every confidence you will prevail and be rewarded with the high station you so desire.>>完整场景
If I may be so bold.>>完整场景
Hellishly so.>>完整场景
Which as fate would have it, so am I.>>完整场景
Is that so? It says Jack Sparrow here.>>完整场景