
adv. 向上;在上部;向上游


The stars reflect in the mill pond surface, and the two of them seem to be floating in interstellar space. They are absolutely still. Their hands are locked together. Rose is staring upwards at the canopy of stars wheeling above her. The music is transparent, floating... as the long sleep steals over Rose, and she feels peace.
>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
[Scene cuts to Clint in the sewer system and trying to get his bearings. He flashes a light upwards to see what happened.]
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--is climbing rapidly upwards today.
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THE MAN IN BLACK and so he is. Very slowly, he is picking his way upwards, sometimes a foot at a time, sometimes an inch.
>> The Princess Bride Movie Script
JORDAN (CONT’D) -- so if Aerotyne’s shares rise to only a dollar -- and our research indicates they could go much, much higher -- your profit on a mere three thousand dollar investment would be upwards of fifty thousand... That’s right, you could pay off your mortgage.
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Elizabeth and Bertie glance upwards and wave.
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It is believed that the robbers have escaped with upwards of $200,000.
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It’s about to get distracting... He signals a RED RPG SOLDIER... IVES (CONT'D) On my mark! He looks at his watch – ‘5:01’, ‘5:00’ – Fire! IVES (CONT'D) The leaning ruin THRUSTS UPWARDS – EXT. CITY STREETS, STALSK-12 – DAY Wheeler watches as the Leaning Ruin’s UPPER STOREYS REASSEMBLE, as its BASE EXPLODES... EXT. CITY STREETS, STALSK-12 – DAY The Protagonist takes cover as the Leaning Ruin’s BASE REASSEMBLES as its UPPER STOREYS EXPLODE... the Protagonist and Ives race at the tunnel entrance – the GREY TRUCK RACES at them as they dive for the tunnel... EXT. CITY STREETS, STALSK-12 – DAY Wheeler ducks as the weight of the upper storeys COLLAPSES the building... Neil lifts his head after the EXPLO/IMPLOSION. Clear. He gets up and starts RUNNING... EXT. TUNNEL ENTRANCE, STALSK-12 – DAY The Protagonist and Ives RACE into the tunnel, HITTING A TRIPWIRE WHICH BLOWS THE TUNNEL ENTRANCE DOWN BEHIND THEM AS THEY JUMP INSIDE... EXT. PRIVATE DECK, SATOR’S YACHT – LATE AFTERNOON Sator hangs up. He holds a SILVER PILL in the sunlight, studying it...
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The BOY is caught under his arms and again tossed upwards, and into a —
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