
n. 观众;听众;接见;读者


(audience clapping and cheering) [Woman In Audience] Fight fight fight fight!>>完整场景
(audience booing) It's good to have some comfort today, I really miss this.>>完整场景
(audience cheering) (audience booing) We build her up then we crush the myths of her people once and for all when we her humiliate her again in the arena.>>完整场景
(cheering and clapping) (metal clinking) (audience cheering and clapping) (metal clinking) Disappointing.>>完整场景
(audience cheers) So this is her, then?>>完整场景
(audience cheering and clapping) Yes, come on!>>完整场景
(audience booing) As her opponent, your champion back by your demand, the beautiful, the deadly Andromeda.>>完整场景
I thought I was writing it for this tiny niche audience of hardcore space dorks.>>完整场景
Ladies and Gentlemen, you've been a wonderful audience.>>完整场景
We were depending on sources of support that were dried up and we weren't reaching the audience that really needed these messages.>>完整场景
Well, we do have an audience.>>完整场景
I need an audience with Sanjay Singh.>>完整场景
INT. THEATRE, CONCERT HALL – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist and the ‘Target’ race through the SLEEPING AUDIENCE COLLECTING BOMBS – the TIMERS tick down – ‘1:58’,>>完整场景
SWAT 2 Taking out the audience?>>完整场景
INT. CORRIDOR, CONCERT HALL – CONTINUOUS The battle between SWATs and Terrorists rages... SWATS move down the corridor, checking the boxes one by one... INT. BOX, CONCERT HALL – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist SMASHES the glass – checks the drop to the stalls, pulls out a black rope, ties it to a column... As they DROP, Terrorist gunfire rings out – they LAND – hiding amongst the UNCONSCIOUS AUDIENCE. The Well-Dressed Man takes a seat, FEIGNS SLEEP – the Protagonist ROLLS under the seats – BLAM! Terrorists near the stage open fire – SHOTS ring out – hitting two sleeping audience members, nearby – the Well- Dressed Man TWITCHES – the Protagonist holds his ankle – urging him to keep still – BLAM! A third sleeping audience member is shot – the Protagonist jumps up, DRAWING THE TERRORISTS’ fire away from the Well-Dressed Man – The Protagonist races towards two REAL UKRAINIAN SWATS who cover him from the Terrorists – one of them goes down.>>完整场景
ORCHESTRA TUNING, audience settling. High officials in glassed-in boxes toast each other. Doors closing... BAM – from behind the orchestra – TERRORISTS with MACHINE GUNS BURST in... The audience SCREAMS... The terrorists cover the ordinary people – the HIGH OFFICIALS are held in the BOXES... INT./EXT. VAN, PLAZA, DOWNTOWN KIEV, UKRAINE – DAY As POLICE FLOOD THE PLAZA, the DRIVER turns to the PASSENGER –>>完整场景
Chris garcia:
A surrealistic comedian from England Who was more identifiable to the geeks in the audience Than to the general population.>>完整场景
Ray Milland starts SCREAMING. The entire audience SCREAMS witt him, high-pitched and hysterical. Andy fidgets.>>完整场景
Ray Milland starts SCREAMING. The entire audience SCREAMS with him, high-pitched and hysterical. Andy fidgets.>>完整场景
63 RAY MILLAND 63 fills the screen in glorious (and scratchy) black & white, suffering a bad case of DT's... 64INT -- PRISON AUDITORIUM -- NIGHT (1949) 64 ...while a CONVICT AUDIENCE hoots and catcalls, talking back to the screen. We find Red slouched in a folding chair, watching the movie. Andy enters, backlit by the flickering glare of the projector, and takes a seat next to him.>>完整场景
EX CU The BRIDE'S EYE ...watching...we now leave any shot of Bill not from the Bride's perspective. The SUSPENSE THEME is STRETCHED TIGHTER and TIGHTER as we look through the Bride's POV and listen to her VO; THE BRIDE(V.O.) The attentive audience members among you will have probably noticed, that all my kills have been straight up fights.>>完整场景
She doesn't say anything, nor will an actress of Uma Thurman's caliber indicate her feelings, but the astute member of the audience will read the significance of her choice. His current status be damned, the Budd who owes The Bride satisfaction was a warrior. And it's that Budd she intends to send to his maker.>>完整场景
The door opens revealing BILL to the other side of the door, and for the first time, to the audience. He looks cool.>>完整场景
The Bride looks down at him....The VENGEANCE THEME BEGINS PLAYING LOUDLY ON The SOUNDTRACK, and the VEIN IN HER FOREHEAD BECOMES PRONOUNCED and begins to PULSATE IN TIME WITH The MUSIC. Every time The Bride comes face to face with a tormenter, this Theme will play on the soundtrack. By mid movie this music should drive the audience wild with orgasmic anticipation of the carnage to come and With the door in her hand and one mighty slam, this Longview Texas boy is sent to the Promised Land.>>完整场景
The B-word stops Vernita short, almost like a cold-handed slap in the face(it should affect the audience that way as well).>>完整场景