n. 微妙;敏锐;精明
- Pea Eye, who liked to take life one simple step at a time, had not appreciated the subtleties of the situation.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- Dish Boggett was sitting at one of the tables with Lorena, hoping to persuade her to give him a poke on credit. Though Dish was barely twenty-two, he wore a walrus mustache that made him look years older than he was, and much more solemn. In color the mustache was stuck between yellow and brown—kind of prairie-dog-colored, Augustus thought. He frequently suggested to Dish that if he wanted to eat prairie dog he ought to remember to pick his teeth, a reference to the mustache whose subtlety was lost on Dish.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇