
adj. 吃惊的


He was astonished at what he found.
>> 46-Expensive and Uncomfortable
He's astonished, puzzled. He comes to a decision and starts to leave.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
Suddenly, we HEAR a noise, and Vito is astonished to see a young man, PETER CLEMENZA, leaning out of the window on the other side of the air shaft which separates their apartments.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
“Dern, Newt,” Pea Eye said, more astonished than he had ever been in his life. “He gave you his horse and his gun and that watch. He acts like you’re his kin.” “No, I ain’t kin to nobody in this world,” Newt said bitterly. “I don’t want to be. I won’t be.” Despair in his heart, he mounted the Hell Bitch as if he had ridden her for years, and turned downstream. He felt he never wanted to hope for anything again, and yet no more than a minute later the strange hope struck him that the Captain might have turned back. He might have forgotten something—perhaps an order he had meant to give. Even that he would have welcomed. It felt so lonely to think of the Captain being gone. But when he turned to look, the Captain was merely a speck on the long plain. He was gone, and things would never be as Newt had hoped—never. Somehow it had been too hard for the Captain, and he had left.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“There’s two heifers bogged yet,” he said. “They’re half a mile downstream. You better go get them.” Then he rode over and shook Pea Eye’s hand. Pea Eye was so astonished he couldn’t close his mouth. Gus had nevershaken his hand until the last minute, and now the Captain was shaking it too.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Why, you could have waded out,” Old Hugh said, astonished that a man would be frightened over such a little thing as a soaking. “If you think this water’s cold now, try setting a few beaver traps around February,” he added, thinking it would help the man put things in perspective.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
OLD HIGH AULD soon replaced Augustus as the main talker in the Hat Creek outfit. He caught up with the herd, with his wagonload of coats and supplies, near the Missouri, which they crossed near Fort Benton. The soldiers at the tiny outpost were as surprised to see the cowboys as if they were men from another planet. The commander, a lanky major named Court, could scarcely believe his eyes when he looked up and saw the herd spread out over the plain. When told that most of the cattle had been gathered below the Mexican border he was astonished, but not too astonished to buy two hundred head. Buffalo were scarce, and the fort not well provisioned.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“I guess I am now.” “No, you’re a fighter,” Augustus said. “We should have left these damn cows down in Texas. You used them as an excuse to come up here, when you ain’t interested in them and didn’t need an excuse anyway. I think we oughta just give them to the Indians when the Indians show up.” “Give the Indians three thousand cattle?” Call said, amazed at the notions his friend had. “Why do that?” “Because then we’d be shut of them,” Augustus said. “We could follow our noses, for a change, instead of following their asses. Ain’t you bored?” “I don’t think like you do,” Call said. “They’re ours. We got ’em. I don’t plan on giving them to anybody.” “I miss Texas and I miss whiskey,” Augustus said. “Now here we are in Montana and there’s no telling what will become of us.” “Miles City’s up here somewhere,” Call said. “You can buy whiskey.” “Yes, but I’ll have to drink it indoors,” Augustus complained. “It’s cool up here.” As if to confirm his remark, the very next day an early storm blew out of the Bighorns. An icy wind came up and snow fell in the night. The men on night herd wrapped blankets around themselves to keep warm. A thin snow covered the plains in the morning, to the amazement of everyone. The Spettle boy was so astonished to wake and see it that he refused to come out of his blankets at first, afraid of what might happen. He lay wide-eyed, looking at the whiteness. Only when he saw the other hands tramping in it without ill effect did he get up.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
The six soldiers, watching, were too astonished to move. The small-seeming cowman kicked Dixon so hard in the face that it seemed his head would fly off. Then the man stood over Dixon, who spat out blood and teeth. When Dixon struggled to his feet, the smaller man immediately knocked him down again and then ground his face into the dirt with a boot.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Fifty dollars?” Dish said, genuinely astonished. He had never heard of such extravagance in his life. “Did he actually pay it?” “Well, he give me the ten,” Lippy said. “I imagine he give Lorie the fifty, too. Gus ain’t cheap, he’s just crazy.” Dish remembered the night before he had hired on with the Hat Creek outfit, when Gus had lent him two dollars for the same purpose on which he had apparently spent fifty. There was no figuring the man out.“You oughtn’t to blabbed,” he told Lippy.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
ONCE THEY HIT the Territory, Newt began to worry about Indians. He was not alone in his worrying. The Irishman had heard so much about scalping that he often tugged at his own hair as if to reassure himself that it wouldn’t come off easily. Pea Eye, who spent most of his time sharpening his knife or making sure he had enough ammunition, was astonished that the Irishman had never seen a scalped person. During Pea’s years as a Ranger they were always finding scalped settlers, and, for that matter, several of his friends had been scalped.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
ONCE THEY HIT the Territory, Newt began to worry about Indians. He was not alone in his worrying. The Irishman had heard so much about scalping that he often tugged at his own hair as if to reassure himself that it wouldn’t come off easily. Pea Eye, who spent most of his time sharpening his knife or making sure he had enough ammunition, was astonished that the Irishman had never seen a scalped person. During Pea’s years as a Ranger they were always finding scalped settlers, and, for that matter, several of his friends had been scalped.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Roscoe almost tipped over in his chair, he was so astonished. The notion that he might be sent on a job like that was ridiculous—living with Elmira must have made July go crazy if he was thinking such thoughts.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Marry her?” Jake asked, astonished. “Why would I marry her?” “You could do worse,” Augustus said. “An old scamp like you’s apt to break down any time. It would be nice to have a young woman to rub your back and bring you soup.” “I ain’t near as old as you,” Jake reminded him. “Why don’t you marry her?” It was talk he didn’t care to hear.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“I know that, honey,” Augustus said. “The minute I looked up the road and seen Jake coming, I knew you and him would settle in. Jake’s a good hand to settle in with, I admit—a sight better than me. But the fact is he went out to the cow camp at the wrong time and Call put him to work. Call don’t appreciate Jake’s restful qualities like you and me do. He’s been fretting for a week because Jake wasn’t working, and now that he’s got him you can bet he’ll keep him a day or two.” Lorena looked at Lippy, wishing he wasn’t there. But Lippy sat, astonished at what he was hearing. His lip hung down like a flap of some kind, as it always did when he forgot himself.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Then Jake came along and right away mentioned exactly the right place. Before the afternoon was over she had laid aside her caution and her silence and told Jake more about herself than she had ever told anyone. Lippy and Xavier listened from a distance in astonished silence. Jake said very little, though he patted her hand from time to time and poured her a drink when her glass was empty. Once in a while he would say, “My goodness,” or “That damned dog, I ought to go find him and shoot him,” but mostly he just looked friendly and confident, sitting there with his hat tipped back.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Grant and Ellie turn slowly and look at each other, then look at Hammond, astonished.
>> 侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script
Bertie gives him an astonished look.
>> 国王的演讲 The King's Speech Movie Script
EDWARD (V.O.) I was astonished to see the greatestpoet of both Ashton and Spectre all theway out in Texas.
>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script
539. The astronaut, an astronomy fan, is astonished at the gymnastics show in the gymnasium.
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MUSIC SWELLS. Suddenly the ENGINES REV UP. Astonished, they look up to the cockpit.
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No obeah, sister. No duppy, no jumbie. Evera ting gon' be irey. Susan and Teena both look at him, astonished. Easter's fearful gaze remains locked on him. JOE (cont'd) (to Teena) Go wi' de doctor lady. Momma be fine.
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