n. 抽象拚贴画(用报纸、布、压平的花等碎片拼合而成的)
- My experience took place in 1974, when I was briefly living in exile from California, working at the City University of New York at Queens Collage as director of English as a second language. And like everyone else in New York we lived in a big apartment building. And the apartment next door to use was owned by a Japanese company. And every year there would be a new family in the apartment.And every year there were the children who couldn't speak English.And there I was: director of English as a second language.I will teach English to these children and brag about it to my friends.>> comprehensible input - One way only one way to acquire a language
- 309 INT. ROSE'S CABIN / KELDYSH A GRACEFUL PAN across Rose's shelf of carefully arranged pictures: Rose as a young actress in California, radiant... a theatrically lit studio publicity shot... Rose and her husband, with their two children... Rose with her son at his college graduation... Rose with her children and grandchildren at her 70th birthday. A collage of images of a life lived well.>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
- 110 INT. DAVID'S HOUSE/BEDROOM - 1996 - DAY 110 LIPSKY (CONT’D) Barney towel used as curtain. Photo of German philosophers. Photo collage of his family, the kind kids put in their dorm rooms. His sister is pretty, looks like a female him.>> 旅行终点 The End of the Tour Movie Script