
n. 衣架;挂钩;绞刑执行者


It's been there for 75 years, and it's, I mean, it's hanging on a hanger in an officer's cabin.>>完整场景
INT. HANGER - EGLIN FIELD - DAY Greening has removed the intensely complex Norden sight from a bomber and put in on a table for Doolittle.>>完整场景
54 BEDROOM Sarah picks up four blouses on hanger lying on the bed and goes back into the hallway.>>完整场景
ANGLE - COP, passing the end of a long aisle B.G. while in the F.G. a hand ENTERS FRAME, removing a knit shirt from a hanger. Reese slips the shirt on quietly and does a fast crab-walk across the aisles to melt into the other racks and shadows, CAMERA MOVING LOW with him.>>完整场景
He unscrews the gas cap, feeds the coat hanger in to soak the shirt, pulls it back out. He tapes the cardboard disc over the open gas tank. He unhooks the wet shirtsleeve and jams it up over the disk. He lights it and exits.>>完整场景
EXT. PHARMACY - DAY SHOOTING PAST A PARKED CAR Chigurh limps toward us. He holds a coat hanger bent straight with the balled-up shirtsleeve hooked at one end.>>完整场景

The rest of you bloody ponces are going to run it again until I'm no longer embarrassed to look at you! The other SAS troops run back to the start. When approaching hangar number one, the door opens slowly and the player enters. In the hanger, a group of four men are waiting. Two of them face the player and the two others turn back to see. They all wear gas masks, except Captain Price.

Oi, Soap! Captain Price wants to see you in Hanger One! You passed my little test, now get out of my sight!The others finally finish.