n. 公民;市民;老百姓
- EXT. SOUTH BOSTON PARK -- DAY Will walking through South Boston. He cuts through a park. A senior citizen is spearing trach for the city.>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
- Henry Ward Beecher proclaimed, in his Proverbs From Plymouth Pulpit back in 1887, that "Every American citizen is by birth, a sworn officer of the state. Every man is a policeman." As for the other officers, even William Congrave said; "he that first cries out 'stop thief' is 'oft he that has stolen the treasure.">> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
- (beat) One crew of Doolittle's raiders made it to Vladivostok, Russia, where they were interred for much of the war. Thirteen planes crash landed in China, where the Chinese people helped the Americans escape, and had their villages destroyed and citizens executed by the Japanese forces of occupation. Two crews were captured by the Japanese and three fliers were executed without trial, called "war criminals" by the Japanese. Jimmy Doolittle was promoted to General, and given the medal of honor.>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
- The new government arrested him, held him for a couple of days with a lot of the other casino people, including Roth's brother, Sam. The American Embassy arranged flights for citizens; I'm not sure, but I think he's somewhere in New York.>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
- INT. HYMAN ROTH'S DEN - DAY Michael enters the den: it's very comfortable, but somewhat like a senior citizen's retirement home in Florida.>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
- Tom, what we need is an Act of Congress to allow Enzo to become a citizen.>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
- I claimed (Frank Tupelo I am a U.S. citizen and the rights ! I'm not what his father described as yourself these days You're invited and do not have any rights You are accused of stealing $ 744 million of taxes collected Seven hundred and forty-four million dollars?>> 致命伴旅 The Tourist (2010) Movie Script
- Well, you want to be informed about the murder? - No - Some people tried to kill me ! I told you about the murder of Attempted murder This is not your specialty - No, it's become less of a murder - Also, if made more than just room service It's very serious So have you exceed on an officer, police - It was an accident - ! The policeman said that you attacked him ...With all due respect, sir ...I think that to talk with ! With someone other than Italy Embassies, or Interpol? - Interpol? - ! I am a U.S. citizen What does this mean? - I do not know - But I was involved in something here and without insult This is not a local command And the thing you think you involved in?>> 致命伴旅 The Tourist (2010) Movie Script
- Drew runs through a large city park, stopping to watch a group of older citizens going through Tai Zhi routines under the weeping willow trees there.>> 花旗小和尚 American Shaolin (1992) Movie Script
- “Well, the soldiers ain’t gonna help you if old man Darton goes on a tear,” he said. “July told me to be sure and watch him.” But the little group of citizens seemed not to be worried by the thought of what old man Darton might do. They watched him silently.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- Nonetheless, the next morning he found himself saddling up the big white gelding he had ridden for the last ten years, a horse named Memphis, the town of his origin. Several of the townspeople were there at the jail, watching him pack his bedroll and tie on his rifle scabbard, and none of them seemed worried that he was about to ride off and leave them unprotected. Although Roscoe said little, he felt very pettish toward the citizens of Fort Smith, and toward Peach Johnson and Charlie Barnes in particular. If Peach had just minded her own business, nobody would even have discovered that Elmira was missing until July returned, and then July would have been able to take care of the problem, which rightly was his problem anyway.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- The only relief he could find was in the knowledge that he was doing his job and earning the thirty dollars a month the town paid him. There were a few tightfisted citizens who didn’t think there was thirty dollars’ worth of sheriffing to do in Fort Smith in a given month. Going after a man who had killed the mayor was the kind of work people seemed to think a sheriff ought to do, although it would probably be less dangerous than having to stop two rivermen from carving one another up with knives.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- She seldom did eat with them. It bothered July a good deal, though he made no complaint. Since their little table was almost under the loft he could look up and see Elmira’s bare legs as he ate. It didn’t seem normal to him. His mother had died when he was six, yet he could remember that she always ate with the family; she would never have sat with her legs dangling practically over her husband’s head. He had been at supper at many cabins in his life, but in none of them had the wife sat in the loft while the meal was eaten. It was a thing out of the ordinary, and July didn’t like for things to be out of the ordinary in his life. It seemed to him it was better to do as other people did—if society at large did things a certain way it had to be for a good reason, and he looked upon common practices as rules that should be obeyed. After all, his job was to see that common practices were honored—that citizens weren’t shot, or banks robbed.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- July’s feelings of responsibility had to do with the town, not the man who was killed. Since pinning on the sheriff’s badge two years before, his sense of responsibility for the town had grown steadily. It seemed to him that as sheriff he had a lot more to do with the safety and well-being of the citizens than Benny had as mayor. The rivermen were the biggest problem—they were always drinking and fighting and cutting one another up. Several times he had had to pile five or six into the little cell.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- Augustus didn’t say a word about the motto, and it was a good two months before anybody even noticed it, which showed how unobservant the citizens of Lonesome Dove really were. It galled Augustus severely that no one appreciated the fact that he had thought to write a Latin motto on a sign that all visitors could see as they rode in, though in fact those riding in took as little note of it as those already in, perhaps because getting to Lonesome Dove was such a hot, exhausting business. The few people who accomplished it were in no mood to stop and study erudite signs.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- WINSTON CHURCHILL According to the F.B.I.... she is, after all, one of their citizens...our Monarch does not possess exclusive rights to Mrs.>> 国王的演讲 The King's Speech Movie Script
- VICTOR TELLEGIO: If you want to get the gaming license and keep it we have to make our principal investor here, the Sheik, an American citizen.>> 美国骗局 American Hustle Movie Script
- If you're going to run for office on the idea that you're there to protect citizens' interests... The rights of citizens, then you should do your job.>> The China Hustle Movie Script
- The whole town is there in celebration of its newest citizen, Edward Bloom. Before he can protest, two WOMEN have grabbedhim by the arms, pulling him in to dance with them.>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script
- The gathered citizens of Spectre CHEER for Edward, who isconfused and overwhelmed. The women hug him. Men shake his hand.>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script
- A campus romance story, I gotta tellya, to the average citizen, is not allthat interesting. The great dread ofcreative writing professors? “Theireyes met... over the keg...” Laughter.>> 旅行终点 The End of the Tour Movie Script
- The United States Government is urging every Citizen to protect themselves.>> 异形降临 Alien Dawn Movie Script
- The United States Government is urging every citizen to protect themselves.>> 异形降临 Alien Dawn Movie Script
- All citizens are urged to arm themselves anyway they can.>> 异形降临 Alien Dawn Movie Script
- Gentlemen, I cannot authorize a missile attack on an American citizen without the approval of the US Secretary of State.>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script