
adj. 小心的;谨慎的


Halfway up the ramp, Szpilman hears someone whistle. He stops, turns to see, at the bottom of the ramp, Majorek, smiling and giving a discreet wave.
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(as Denham considers that) See, it’s all about proper guidance, Pat. Knowing someone with the right relationships, who’s discreet. I can change a life almost every day.
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COSMO LANG: Something...discreet...private. We could pre-record an edited version to be broadcast to the world. Or even find an actor with a similar voice.
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31 INT. LIBRARY, SANDRINGHAM - CONTINUOUS 31 David, hunched over a table, appears to be sobbing. He doesn't hear Bertie's discreet knock.
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EXT. MUMBAI STREET – MOMENTS LATER They walk, BODYGUARDS at a discreet distance.
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