
n. 书架


[Out of nowhere, Roger slumps over a bookshelf, in the same mood as he is in the therapy session, as Nat wipes off the tears off her face.]
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CAMERON points to a row of Harvard Student Handbooks on the bookshelf behind SUMMERS.
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TYLER goes to the bookshelf and pulls down a manual.
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David goes to put on water. We STAY on Lipsky, casually studying the room with the eye of a journalist, taking in the grad-student-like accoutrements: cramped cinder-block bookshelves; hodgepodge of furniture, an ALANIS MORISSETTE POSTER conspicuously on the wall. Lipsky, glancing out the window at the wintry landscape, raises his voice to converse with David, who’s in the kitchen.
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Gail tucks her daughter back into bed. Meanwhile, Chaceenters Little Paul's room. When Gail re-enters, she findsChace rifling through books on the bookshelf.
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