
adj. 被制服的;减弱的;被抑制的


INT. CAFE NOWOCZESNA - DAY Szpilman, as if in another world, playing the piano. The cafe is full of customers but the atmosphere is much more subdued than previously, the mood is sombre.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
General subdued laughter.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
After supper the men went out of the house to smoke, all glad to escape the company of the silent woman. Even Betsey and Sally, accustomed to chattering through supper, competing for the men’s attention, were subdued by their mother’s silence, and merely attended to serving.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“I’ve met ladies that wasn’t as finicky as you, Jasper,” Augustus said, but he didn’t bother to tease Jasper very hard. The whole camp was subdued by Deets’s death. They were not missing Deets so much, most of them, as wondering what fate awaited them in the north.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Finally Po Campo gave up. “Better to bury him with it,” he said. “I would have liked to see that boy. The lance went all the way to his collarbone. It went through the heart.” Newt sat in his blankets, feeling alone. No one noticed him or spoke to him. No one explained Deets’s death. Newt began to cry, but no one noticed that either. The sun had risen, and everyone was busy with what they were doing, Mr. Gus eating, the Captain and Lippy digging the grave. Soupy Jones was repairing a stirrup and talking in subdued tones to Bert Borum. Newt sat and cried, wondering if Deets knew anything about what was going on. The Irishman and Needle and the Rainey boys held the herd. It was a beautiful morning, too—mountains seemed closer. Newt wondered if Deets knew about any of it. He didn’t look at the corpse again, but he wondered if Deets had kept on knowing, somehow. He felt he did. He felt that if anyone was taking any notice of him, it was probably Deets, who had always been his friend. It was only the thought that Deets was still knowing him, somehow, that kept him from feeling totally alone.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“By God, I wonder which way town is,” Soupy said. “I’m ready to go.” Call knew the men were boiling to get to town. Though he had brought happy news, Deets himself seemed subdued. He had not been himself since Jake’s hanging.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Well, is it the first one you’ve ever seen?” the woman asked. “You’ll have more to worry about than grasshoppers if you wake this baby again.” The woman was rather thin, but anger put color in her cheeks. The girls finally were subdued and the woman looked up and saw him, lifting her chin with a bit of belligerence, as though she might have to tie into him too. Then she saw his discolored leg, and her look changed. She had gray eyes and she turned them on him with sudden gravity.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Lippy soon went back to the wagon, subdued by his own indiscretion, but not before assuring Dish that the story would go no further.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Ease ’em along,” Call told Dish. “Bert can scout ahead and make sure there’s water.” If Dish felt subdued, Newt felt nothing but pride to have been selected for the trip. He could tell some of the other hands were envious, particularly the Rainey boys, but it was the Captain’s order, and no one dared say a word. When he saw the Captain put two boxes of rifle shells into his saddlebag he felt even prouder, for it meant he might be expected to fight.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“If you see any bushes, bring one back with you,” he said to the mounted men. “If we had a bush or two I wouldn’t have to walk so far just to do my business.” “I don’t know why you’re so modest,” Augustus said. “Go over and squat behind a cow. You got a hole in your stomach anyway.” “I wish we’d brought the pia-ner,” Lippy said. “A little pia-ner music would go good right now.” Call put Dish in charge of the outfit, meaning that he suddenly had two heavy responsibilities—Lorena and the herd. It left him subdued, just thinking about it. If anything should happen to the girl or the herd he’d never be able to hold up his head again.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
The crew came back from Fort Worth hung over and subdued. Jasper Fant’s head was splitting to such an extent that he couldn’t bear to ride—he got off his horse and walked the last two miles, stopping from time to time to vomit. He tried to get the other boys to wait on him—in his state he could have been easily robbed and beaten, as he pointed out—but his companions were indifferent to his fate. Their own headaches were severe enough.“You can walk to China for all I care,” Needle said, expressing the sentiments of the group. They rode on and left Jasper to creep along as best he could.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
The third time he stopped, he thought he heard voices. They were faint, but they were white, an encouraging sign. Hewent cautiously toward them, trying to make as little noise as possible. It was hard to carry a saddle without it creaking some, but he was afraid to put it down for fear he could not find his way back to it in the dark. Then he heard a horse snort and another horse jingle his bit. He was getting close. He stopped to wait for the moon to rise. When it did, he moved a little closer, hoping to see something. Instead he heard what sounded like a subdued argument.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Beat. Updegraf goes. Brandt crumples the fax andpitches it. Then sees he got fax ink on his hands. OFF Brandt, holding his mitts out in the rain, trying to washoff the stains... 274 INT. UNDERGROUND BUNKER - DAY 274 Selena brings Gordy food. She's extremely subdued.
>> 间接伤害 Collateral Damage Movie Script
127 EXT. STREET - NIGHT 127 Reese's sedan glides out onto a main drag, very subdued.
>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script