
n. 使命,任务;布道;代表团


So, our mission here at the Dinosaur Protection Group is to secure pivotal funding for a... That was like 40 seconds.>>完整场景
It's not a mission.>>完整场景
How many more people have to die before this mission starts to make sense to you?>>完整场景
The new mission is to prevent further loss of life.>>完整场景
You need to call this mission off right now.>>完整场景
32INTCONTROL ROOMDAY The Jurassic Park control room looks like a mission control for a space launch, with several computer terminals and dozens of video screens that display images of various dinosaurs, taken from all over the park.>>完整场景
Target mission has been localized in Eadu, please advise.>>完整场景
Sndor captain mission is to penetrate the barricades and the possibility of looking for your father.>>完整场景
A doctor's mission should be not just to prevent death... but also to improve the quality of life.>>完整场景
It is our mission here... to rigorously and ruthlessly train the humanity out of you... and make you into something better.>>完整场景
So congrats on your first mission.>>完整场景
This is my last mission.>>完整场景
Request to acknowledge Dirty Mission status and exercise attack abort authority.>>完整场景
Proceed to mission window.>>完整场景
-Scrub EDl from the mission.>>完整场景
And l guarantee you this thing will be Look, Ben all we need is one more successful mission and this project will be out of the stovepipe and into the light.>>完整场景
Oh, and, George hell of a first mission.>>完整场景
One to Control, we've entered our mission window.>>完整场景
We're giving you an emergency mission redirect. Repeat.>>完整场景
Risk assessment is we have a clean mission status.>>完整场景
Operational funds in one box, in the other your salary... which you don't take till the mission ends... when you get what accumulates.>>完整场景
An important mission. You will have to leave the country... and your family, maybe for years.>>完整场景
We want to ask you. Will you undertake a mission?>>完整场景
466. The committee admits it committed an omission in commissioning the mission.>>完整场景
Mission on your own then?>>完整场景