
adj. 成功的;一帆风顺的


Seeing as how you're still alive, I'd say it's all been very successful this far.>>完整场景
When we go in there, we need to be effective, and we need to be successful, because we may not get another chance for another 15 years.>>完整场景
(continuing) We began a highly successful offensive against them in March, and activities within the city itself are at a minimum. I can assure you we'll tolerate no guerrillas in the casinos or swimming pools!>>完整场景
But if you hear this... Not so successful.>>完整场景
After a successful stint running the secretive special operations killing machine in Iraq, Glen was appointed leader of US and coalition forces in Afghanistan.>>完整场景
We know that they actually switched underwriters going into this IPO, so there was a bit of concern about how things would shake up, but clearly Dynacorps' IPO is shaping up to be one of the most successful public offerings of the year.>>完整场景
“Looks like you’d be satisfied,” Jasper said. “Ain’t we traveled enough? I’d like to step into a saloon in good old Fort Worth, myself. I’d like to see my home again while my folks are still alive.” “Why, that ain’t the plan,” Augustus said. “We’re up here to start a ranch. Home and hearth don’t interest us. We hired you men for life. You ought to have said goodbye to the old folks before you left.” “What are we going to do, now that we’re here?” Lippy asked. The question was on everyone’s minds. Usually when a cattle drive ended the men just turned around and went back to Texas, but then most drives stopped in Kansas, which seemed close to home compared to where they were now. Many of them harbored secret doubts about their ability to navigate a successful return to Texas. Of course, they knew the direction, but they would have to make the trip in winter, and the Indians that hadn’t been troublesome on the way north might want to fight as they went south.>>完整场景
Augustus loped up, seemingly fresh. “We better get everybody to the front,” he said. “We’ll need to try and spread them when they hit the water. Otherwise they’ll all pile into the first mudhole and tromple themselves.” Most of the cattle were too weak to run, but they broke into a trot. Call finally shook the sleep off and helped Dish and Deets and Augustus split the herd. They were only partially successful. The cattle were moving like a blind army, the scent of water in their nostrils. Fortunately they hit the river above where Call had hit it, and there was more water. The cattle spread of their own accord.>>完整场景
Clara tried several times during the day to get Elmira interested in the little boy, but with no success. Elmira allowed it to nurse, but that was not successful, either. The milk was so weak that the baby would only sleep an hour and then be hungry again. Her girls wanted to know why the baby cried so much. “He’s hungry,” Clara said.>>完整场景
Roscoe was fond of the boy, too. Often he and Joe went down to the river to fish for catfish. Sometimes if they made a good catch July would bring Roscoe home for supper, but those occasions were seldom successful. Elmira thought little of Roscoe Brown, and though Roscoe was as nice to her as he could be, the fish suppers were silent, tense affairs.>>完整场景
“No, son, you’ve overshot the snow,” Augustus said. “What we have down here is sand.” Call felt his impatience rising. The night had been far more successful than he could have hoped. They could keep the best horses and sell the rest—the profits would easily enable them to hire a crew and outfit a wagon for the trip north. Then all they would have to do would be gather the cattle and brand them. If everyone would work like they should, it could all be accomplished in three weeks, and they could be on the trail by the first of April—none too soon, considering the distance they had to go. The problem would be getting everyone to work like they should. Jake was already off with his whore, and Augustus hadn’t had breakfast.>>完整场景
the reason is it doesn't work,If you want to be successful. It is because in order to be successful, ,you need to be thinking on all cylinders.>>完整场景
It stops the heart But I don't need it anymore Still, it's safer with me We need to get going Our German brothers-in-arms continue their victorious advance into Western Europe Fuhrer and Chancellor of the Reich, Adolf Hitler has praised his troops And here's another man with reason to celebrate the composer of "Gloomy Sunday", a wildly successful recording But its magical tones have driven 157 people to suicide in the last The tune's gruesome march across Europe continues And the song has conquered the world New York's smart set has taken to driving their Studebakers into the Hudson, with a portable phonograph on the front seat "Gloomy Sunday" may be bringing death to many But it's brought wealth to one its composer - Hans!>>完整场景
Of course It's a very successful piece of music on the five suicides in Budapest in the last three days?>>完整场景
JORDAN (V.O.) As a successful drug dealer, Bradspent his winters in the South ofFrance, which is where he met his wife Chantalle, a stripper ofSlovenian origin but born in, ofall places, Switzerland.>>完整场景
KING GEORGE V: We're the oldest, most successful, corporation in the world and sitting on thrones is our business! But any moment now we may be out of work. Your brother came to me the other day, livid a certain lady has been refused an invitation to my Silver Jubilee. I pointed out she wasn't a lady and most definitely wasn't his wife.>>完整场景
RICHIE DIMASO: If your that successful, how come you wound up in this room with me?>>完整场景
IRVING ROSENFELD (CONT'D) Edith and I were so successful for so long because we kept it just small enough. You are takin' us to a very f***ing dangerous place, with very serious numbers!>>完整场景
70A EXT. CHELSEA HOTEL -- ESTABLISHING - DAY 70A 71 INT. OFFICE OF CARL ELWAY - SUCCESSFUL, BUT SHADY - DAY 71 CARL ELWAY, 40, preppie Waspy, very old fashioned withcigarette holder, but something vaguely criminal about him, in his conservative suit, natty white and red striped shirt, and navy blue tie sits with Irving.>>完整场景
To make things successful for yourself.>>完整场景
I want to know everything I can about how to be successful.>>完整场景
And it's clear that we're in the offices of a new, high-tech, very successful internet company. The Facebook logo in blue metallic letters on the wall, the maple desks, new computer monitors, carpeting, a wall covered in graffiti by an artist commissioned for. the job and -tons of young employees.>>完整场景
A billion dollars. And that's where you're headed. A billion dollar valuation. Unless you take bad advice in which case you might as well have come up with a chain of very successful dry cleaners. When you go fishing you can catch a lot of fish or you can catch a big fish. You ever walk into a guy's den and see a picture of him standing next to fourteen trout? No, he's holding an. 800 pound marlin and that's what you want.>>完整场景
(CLOSE) Listen, You're going to be successful and rich. But you're going to go through life thinking that girls don't like you because you're a tech geek. And I want you to know, from the bottom of my heart, that that won't be true. It'll be because you're an a**hole.>>完整场景
And l guarantee you this thing will be Look, Ben all we need is one more successful mission and this project will be out of the stovepipe and into the light.>>完整场景