
adv. 向上游;逆流地


“I guess we’re fairly surrounded,” he said. “Some downstream and some upstream.” “I don’t see why we didn’t stay in Texas,” Pea Eye said. “The Indians was mostly whipped down there.” “Well, this is just bad luck we’re having,” Augustus said. “We just run into a little bunch of fighters. I imagine they’re about as scarce as the buffalo.” “Reckon we can hold ’em off until the Captain comes and looks for us?” Pea asked.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“We gotta move,” he said. “This cover’s working against us. But for luck we’d both be dead now already. What we need is a stretch with a steep bank and no cover.” They worked their way upstream, carrying the saddle, saddlebags and guns, for nearly a mile, hugging the bank. Augustus was limping badly but didn’t stop to worry about it. Finally they came to a bend in the creek, where the bank was sheer and about ten feet high. The creek bottom was nearly bare of foliage.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
July rode upstream until he found a place where both deer and cattle had crossed. The water was seldom more than a foot deep. They crossed a reddish bar of earth, and it seemed for a moment they might bog, but July edged south and soon found firm footing. In a few minutes they were on the south bank, whereas the man in the beaver hat had made no progress at all. He was so cool about his predicament that it was hard to tell if he even wished to make progress.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
The river was green and the water cold underneath the surface. She waded in and stood chest-deep, letting the water wash away the layers of dust and sweat. As she was wading out, feeling clean and light, she got a scare: a big snapping turtle sat on the bank right where she had entered the river. It was big as a tub and so ugly Lorena didn’t want to get near it. She waded upstream, and just as she got out heard a shot—Jake was shooting his pistol at the turtle. He walked down to the water, probably just because he liked to see her naked.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Why, good,” Augustus said. “I’ll tell Newt. He’ll probably be so pleased he’ll fall off the fence.” But Newt wasn’t sitting on the fence when he heard the news. He was standing in the sandy bottom of Hat Creek, listening to Dish Boggett vomit. Dish was upstream a little ways, acting very sick. He had come walking up from the saloon with Jake Spoon and Mr. Gus, not walking too straight but on his feet. Then he had stumbled over to the edge of the creek and started vomiting. Now he was down on his hands and knees, still vomiting. The sounds coming out of him reminded Newt of the sucking sound a cow makes pulling her foot out of a muddy bog.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
They couldn't have made it thisfar. Go back upstream.
>> 间接伤害 Collateral Damage Movie Script
ARMSTRONG: Can't drink caffeine. Makes mystomach do the rumba. I like that commercial guy with the sombreroand the mule, though. Headed upstream, eh? Where to?
>> 间接伤害 Collateral Damage Movie Script
As they invert the entropy of more and more objects... Neil holds his hands, fingers spread, pointing at each other – NEIL (CONT'D) The two directions of time are becoming more intertwined... He slowly brings his fingers together, into the ‘Tenet’ gesture – NEIL (CONT'D) But because the environment’s entropy flows in our direction... He pushes one hand back with the other – NEIL (CONT'D) ...we dominate. They’re always swimming upstream. It’s what saved your life – the inverted explosion was pushing against the environment.
>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
He wades upstream, ripping his clothes from his body. He gets his shirt off, spins it through the air over his head, flings the shirt away. He raises his arms to the sky, turning slowly, feeling the rain washing him clean. Exultant. Triumphant. A FLASH OF LIGHTNING arcs from horizon to horizon.
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