

This entourage enters the suite, an impressive and beautifully spacious luxury suite. Connie is relaxing.>>完整场景
FLAMINGO HOTEL SUITE (1955) A whole entourage precedes FREDO and his V.I.P. party of MICHAEL, HAGEN and NERI. Great fuss is made. They are being shown into the hotel's 'special' suite.>>完整场景
Crowd laughs, Trevor's entourage laughs the hardest.>>完整场景
INT. TREVOR HOUSE – SAME DAY ESTABLISHING SHOT OF TREVOR BEING PAMPERED BY HIS ENTOURAGE The masseur is massaging his shoulders, a woman is doing a pedicure and another is doing a manicure. An exercise physiologist is going over a computer print out with Trevor, when an old Korean master, MASTER KIM, comes into the room.>>完整场景
(sarcastic) When I'm the best fighter in the country, I'm not going to let you be part of my entourage...>>完整场景
57 INT. BALLROOM, BALMORAL - CONTINUOUS 57 At the epicenter, a dashing couple: David, the very picture of insouciance, and clinging to his arm, dripping in jewelry, a rather small, angular, dark haired woman, with a high brow and square jaw - MRS WALLIS SIMPSON. Her most attractive physical feature is her back, displayed fully by a dress that plunges to her nates. Surrounded by their entourage, they are the apex of chic.>>完整场景
121 INT. LOBBY OF GRAND OLD SEASIDE HOTEL - NIGHT 121 The entourage walks through the ornate lobby as Edith and Rosalyn continue to eyeball each other with Irv uncomfortably in the middle as Carmine ENTHUSIASTICALLY CONTINUES HIS PRESENTATION FOR THE SHEIK.>>完整场景
OFF which, as they're swallowed up by the dark garage -331 INT. LATIN AMERICAN INSTITUTE - VARIOUS SHOTS - DAY 331 Brandt, Phipps, Dray, Selena and Gordy -- along with therest of the entourage -- walk through the interagency nerve center. Gordy carries Mauro, still asleep.>>完整场景
Johnny and Cleo jump in a car, just missing Pupi and his entourage.>>完整场景
Pupi and his entourage tell Johnny about the awards show.>>完整场景
53 INT. ITALIAN HOTEL LOBBY SALON - DAY 53 Pupi and his colorful entourage stand by.>>完整场景
Start an entourage.>>完整场景
219INT -- CELLBLOCK FIVE -- RED'S CELL -- DAY (1966) 219 Red watches as Norton storms up with an entourage of guards.>>完整场景
85INT -- CELLBLOCK FIVE -- NIGHT (1949) 85 Ernie is mopping the floor. He glances back and sees Warden Norton approach the cellblock with an entourage of a DOZEN GUARDS. Still mopping, Ernie mutters to the nearest cell:>>完整场景