
adv. 最后,终于


420. Even the evening event couldn't eventually spoil the joy of the New Year's Eve.>>完整场景
These logs... They are going to move against each other in the waves... and eventually they are going to break the lashings.>>完整场景
120 INSERT - MAP 120 Gordy finds the town, which lies along a river. He traces a road from the town. The road runs south throughthe town of Mompos, and eventually reaches Caguan, theELC capital.>>完整场景
ALIA talks to the dog - and the dog eventually wanders off.>>完整场景
It searches the outside of the house and eventually finds an opening in a back door. It hovers, looking in.>>完整场景
Welcome to the jungle it gets worse here every day learn to live like an animal in the jungle where we play you got to remember what you see you'll take it eventually you can have anything you want but you better not take it from me in the jungle welcome to the jungle want to bring you to your n-n-n-n-knees, knees what's up, brian?>>完整场景
So, your grandfather invited him to leave home... and Henry eventually wound up in Jamaica.>>完整场景
Yes, yes. I'll get it to him eventually.>>完整场景
And the price I will eventually pay for them.>>完整场景
[Urban] What we're talking about eventually is a blue-green planet with maybe 7 billion of its own people on it.>>完整场景
Then that's what empowers the big push to get a million people there eventually.>>完整场景
[Bolden] Not a lot of Americans know that we took a...a Nazi, someone who helped designed rockets that were intended to kill us, relocated him and his team eventually to Huntsville, Alabama, where they became founding fathers of the spaceflight program.>>完整场景
And since the only model we know for intelligent organisms is organisms that eventually try to grab land and resources and go to war, Mars used to frighten us.>>完整场景
If we had to have a misplaced ocean, why couldn't it have dried up and left its salt here where we need it, in the first place? Even if it were there, it couldn't keep the monoliths from breaking out of the valley eventually.>>完整场景
But what you fail to understand is that it's you who's fed the hangman that will eventually come for you.>>完整场景
You will have a breakdown eventually.>>完整场景
Without his echolocation abilities and especially without the help of his pod he'd be lost and eventually starve.>>完整场景
Everything that comes from the earth eventually returns.>>完整场景
Big enough to be noticed. Sator emerged from this blank spot on the map with an ambition that eventually led him here, to buy his way into the British establishment.>>完整场景
If I was bill gates, I would see the compatible market As the reason why I am eventually Going to be a multi-billionaire, and one of the most successful People on the planet.>>完整场景
The original vision of microsoft-- that there would Eventually be a machine on most desktops for office work, Will be fulfilled by the power of this type of machine.>>完整场景
So you might strike out a couple times, And you might fall down a couple times, But eventually you're going to start to get a feel for it, And you start getting a hit.>>完整场景
Eventually, the users wanted to get Hold of that computing power.>>完整场景
The complexities are not lost in our analyses, but perhaps they're just put into what we consider a more human and, eventually, a more progressive perspective.>>完整场景