n. 羊皮纸;羊皮纸文稿
- INT. A BATTLEFIELD COMMAND TENT Raoul has just received orders from General Fromberge, who sits at a map table, Raoul salutes and follows a young staff officer from the tent. As Raoul leaves, the General withdraws from his leather field pouch a royal letter -- parchment, with blue and gold seals. Fromberge touches the edge of the parchment to the candle, and burns the letter... EXT. TRENCH - DARKNESS Two men move along a deep trench, the siege works of 17th century siege warfare. One of the men is Raoul, carrying a musket; in his new uniform he looks out of place among the dirty, battle weary men they pass. He is following the STAFF OFFICER who is no older than himself, but whose eyes are already dead, while Raoul's are wide and wild.>> 铁面人 The Man in the Iron Mask Movie Script
- That's one fine frame. A fine frame it is. Malcolm points to the HUGE FRAMED CERTIFICATE propped up on a dining room chair. It's printed on aged parchment-type paper. The frame is a polished mahogany. He slips on the sweatshirt.>> The Sixth Sense 灵异第六感 Movie Script