
adv. 显著地,明显地;引人注目地


CLOSE ON ROSE as she approaches Jack. He imitates the gentlemen's stance, hand behind his back. She extends her gloved hand and he takes it, kissing the back of her fingers. Rose flushes, beaming noticeably. She can't take her eyes off him.
>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
“We all got weak brains or we wouldn’t be here,” Soupy said sourly. He had grown noticeably more discontented in recent weeks—no one knew why.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“I wish you’d turn back white,” she had said that morning, although he was noticeably less jaundiced than he had been two weeks before. Elmira was short, skinny, brunette, and had little patience. They had only been married four months, and one of the surprises, from July’s point of view, was her impatience. She wanted the chores done immediately, whereas he had always proceeded at a methodical pace. The first time she bawled him out about his slowness was only two days after the wedding. Now it seemed she had lost whatever respect she had ever had for him. Once in a while it occurred to him that she had never had any anyway, but if that was so, why had she married him?
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Armstrong carefully returns the card to the hat. And now his voice takes on a noticeably more measured tone -ARMSTRONG If you don't have one of these, you don't want to be up there, Gordy.
>> 间接伤害 Collateral Damage Movie Script