
n. 信用,信誉;信任;贷款;声望;学分


You're much braver than I gave you credit for.>>完整场景
(a beat) Credit.>>完整场景
240.May I pay by credit card?>>完整场景
Not good, not bad, you know what we got? Nothing. No credit, no cars, no mortgages -- no wives. Nothing. Joe waits. DREW (cont'd) All of a sudden a guy appears on the scene with the Chairman of one of the greatest communications corpora- tions of the world, the boss makes him privy to all the company's secrets, he attends the Board meet- ings, and us working stiffs with MBA's up the ass and years and years and years of experience, we're left outside with our noses pressed against the window. Joe doesn't respond. DREW (cont'd) This is a big-time operation, deal- ing in big-time issues, demanding big-time executives who make big- time decisions. So, Joe, why don't you tell me exactly what it is that's big time about you? After a moment.>>完整场景
Get me a Field Background check on Joe Black. Litigations. Bankrupt- cies. Credit ratings. The works. Got it?Drew hangs up. INT. PARRISH'S OFFICE - DAY Parrish enters, Joe right on his heels. They both stop, Parrish regards him.>>完整场景