n. 译文;版本;[医]倒转术
- There was a 404 here! That's because if we go back to out route file, I have not defined route! And in production, you're not gonna get that screen we saw with the Rails version and the Ruby version, that is only for development.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- kamal setup:
- But this is all we basically need, we are now ready to check in the entire project into Git! Kamal uses Git for keeping track of versions, and we can now run Kamal setup!>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- So, we can do that using the import map pin command. And as you see, now that I hop back into our config import map, we've added the local text pin at the bottom, version 3.0.2. It pulled that straight off NPN, it downloaded that as a vendor dependency that we can check into our version control system. And now, we don't have any runtime dependency whatsoever on NPN, or anything else like that.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- This is the thing you're gonna see, when you start up a new Rails application, it'll tell you which version you're on, both for the ruby version, the Rails version, and the Rack version. That's running on localhost:3000 by default. But if we do slash posts here, you'll see the scaffold interface that we generated. Now, this is the index action, the one we just looked at in the view and from the controller. But if we click the New, you see here we have form for creating the new post with its title and its body. it's quiet basic, to put it mildly right now, but all the actions are mapped out. This scaffold interface is not meant for shipping into production, it is meant to showing you how to build a Rails application with the basics, and then you make it look pretty, you make it look nice.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- auxiliary police:
- Now if we hop over and start up our development server, you do that with just bin/dev. If we were running a Rails application that also had auxiliary watcher processes such as one for ES build or for Tailwind, bin/dev would start those as well. But this version of our Rails blog, is just going to be built with all vanilla, no build swt up so we only need to start the Puma, Ruby web server,and we can hop over into the browser and see here.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- *sion /ʒn/:
- occasion ; vision ; division ; envision ; revision ; invasion ; version ; inversion ; subversion ; perversion ; decision ; indecision ; explosion ;
场合; 视觉;分裂;想象;修订;入侵;版本;反转;颠覆;变态;决策;优柔寡断;爆炸;>> 96-The Dead Return- CUT TO:
- INT. FUNLAND -- DAY Will and Chuckie walk up to an enclosed trampoline. Billy and Morgan prefer to use it for their own version of "Wrestlemania.">> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
- - That's the real version of... - How about once around the park?>> Madagascar (2005)Movie Script
- Every Day:
- Every day I wake up ready to push up myself further, to challenge my limits and become the best version of myself.
每天醒来,我都准备进一步提升自己,挑战自己的极限,成为最好的自己。>> I don't care about who is doing better than me- And yes, this is now true about CSS as well. Here’s the same chart for our CSS. Individual files, relying exclusively on standardized CSS available in the latest evergreen versions of Chrome, Safari, and Firefox.
是的,现在CSS也是如此。这是我们CSS的相同图表。单个文件,完全依赖于Chrome、Safari和Firefox最新常青版本中提供的标准化CSS。>> Rails8- That was the premise of my keynote here at Rails World, and it’s the mission for Rails 8. So we are thrilled to release the first beta release of this new version in celebration with Rails World here in Toronto.
这是我在Rails World发表主题演讲的前提,也是Rails 8的使命。因此,我们很高兴在多伦多与Rails World一起发布这个新版本的第一个测试版。>> Rails8- It is already published in Russian and it will be published in other languages and people sometimes keep asking me where I can find a localized version of Elegant objects and I point them to Russian shops and they go there and buy.>> You don't need perfect
- Recommendation number one,:
- I read technical books only in English, about object-oriented programming, software development, design, DevOps, everying, you can ,of course find them in translated versions. Like you can find a translated version of Elegant objects, my book.>> You don't need perfect
- TONY STARK (voiceover):
- Everybody wants a happy ending, right? But it doesn't always roll that way. Maybe this time. I'm hoping if you play this back, it's in celebration. I hope families are reunited, I hope we get it back, and something like a normal version of the planet has been restored. If there ever was such a thing. God, what a world. Universe, now. If you told me ten years ago that we weren't alone, let alone, you know, to this extent, I mean, I wouldn't have been surprised. But come on, you know? The epic forces of darkness and light that have come into play. And, for better or worse, that's the reality Morgan's gonna have to find a way to grow up in.>> Avengers: Endgame 复仇者联盟4:终局之战 Movie Script
- Same story, different versions, and all are true.>> Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest 加勒比海盗2:聚魂棺Movie Script
- Pea Eye, the tallest man in the group, had developed a new fear, which was that he would be swallowed up in asnowdrift. He had always worried about quicksand, and now he was in a place where all he could see, for miles around, was a colder version of quicksand.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- July had heard it all twenty-five or thirty times, the versions differing a good deal, depending upon the teller. He felt derelict for not having made a stronger effort to run Jake out of town before he himself left for the trial in Missouri. Of course it would have been convenient if Roscoe had promptly arrested the man, but Roscoe never arrested anybody except old man Darton, the one drunk in the county Roscoe felt he could handle.
七月已经听了二十五或三十次了,版本差异很大,取决于出纳员。他觉得自己被遗弃了,因为在杰克自己前往密苏里州接受审判之前,他没有做出更大的努力把他赶出城镇。当然,如果罗斯科及时逮捕了这个人,那会很方便,但罗斯科除了达特顿老人外,从未逮捕过任何人,达特顿老人是罗斯科觉得他能应付的那个人。>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇- You know, I once recorded a version of "In The Air Tonight" by Phil Collins.>> Fart: A Documentary Movie Script
- At which point Samuel Adams then said, "Hey, that's a great idea." And made his own version of the whoopee cushion called the raspberry cushion, which is what the English people call farts.>> Fart: A Documentary Movie Script
- There are no "versions" of the truth.
事实没有“版本”。>> 侏罗纪公园2 The Lost World Jurassic Park (1997)Movie Script- Your version of it.
你的版本。>> 侏罗纪公园2 The Lost World Jurassic Park (1997)Movie Script- - - - - - END - - - - - - - - - - VERSION 2 - - - - - GRANT (cont'd) Alright. We're just going to walk back home. Together.>> 侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script
- - - - - - VERSION 1 - - - - - GRANT (cont'd) We can't go back the way we came. What we have is a free-range T-rex on the road. There's (there are) fences on either side. If we meet him between here and the lodge, we'd have problems. But what this means, what this means, is that this whole paddock is empty.>> 侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -VERSION 2- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ->> 侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -VERSION 1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ->> 侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script