
n. 安全;保险;安全设备;保险装置;安打


The realization was unhelpful, though, because the horses behind him had caught up with him and all were struggling for running room. For a second he thought of trying to force his way to the outside, but then he saw two riders already there, struggling to turn the herd. They were not succeeding, but they were not his riders, either, and it struck him that being in the middle of the herd offered a certain safety, at least.>>完整场景
Hi, I'm Mr. Safety, and today I'm gonna teach you how to hide your farts in public.>>完整场景
Because I'm sheriff and because I'm responsible for everybody's safety.>>完整场景
To leave those children behind while we send ours to safety?>>完整场景
Hey, there. Your safety is our main concern.>>完整场景
Your safety is our main concern.>>完整场景
The others threatened to quit if I couldn't guarantee their safety.>>完整场景
One of the Navy's primary concerns has been safety.>>完整场景
Grant and the others look up in stunned amazement. They step back behind the rock for safety and look to the right. They see another raptor approaching.>>完整场景
Finally, Arnold turns back to the box. He flips the row of safety switches back again, then hesitates by the main switch.>>完整场景
ARNOLD (cont'd) "Keycheck /space -o keycheck off safety -o." He's turning the safety systems off. He doesn't want anybody to see what he's about to do. Now look at this next entry, it's the kicker. "Wht.rbt.obj." Whatever it did, it did it all. But with Keycheck off, the computer didn't file the keystrokes. Only way to find them now is to search the computer's lines of code one by one.>>完整场景
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -????- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tim finds something under the seat and sits up abruptly, holding what looks like a heavy-duty pair of safety goggles.>>完整场景
(keeps talking) The safety. That's the problem I had to answer.>>完整场景
The accident took place in a restricted area. It would not have been available to the public access. So how can the safety of the public be called into question?>>完整场景
Let's just hold out concerns until - - (or alt. version) Wait - we were invited to this island to evaluate the safety conditions of the park, physical containment.>>完整场景
Too late. Ellie slips out from under her safety bar too and stomps right across Gennaro's seat.>>完整场景
The two of them team up on the safety bars. Grant shoves his all the way back with one foot and Malcolm does the same. They stand up and head for the door of the hatchery.>>完整场景
GRANT, ELLIE, and MALCOLM are frustrated, leaning forward, straining against the safety bars for a better look. But the cars keep going.>>完整场景
For your own safety!>>完整场景
All this has some dramatic music - - da dum da dum da dum dum - - march or something, it's not written yet, and the tour moves on - - He throws a switch and safety bars appear out of nowhere and drop over their seats, CLICKING into place.>>完整场景
GENNARO (cont'd) - -the underwriters of the park feel the accident raises some very serious questions about the safety of the park, and they're making the investors very anxious. I had to promise I would conduct a thorough on-site inspection.>>完整场景
See, I was the opposite. I never understood why anyone would want to go into space. It's so dangerous. You do one thing wrong and you're dead. The astronomer -- or the paleontologist -- get to study these amazing things from a place of complete safety. And truthfully, everything you really need to learn, you can learn it from the ground.>>完整场景
Grant rushes forward with Paul right after him. Amanda takes Eric to safety down river.>>完整场景
Come with me, hurry I'm risking my life getting you out I'll take us to safety Dear llona, I now hear clearly what "Gloomy Sunday" is saying I won't wait for the last bucket of sh*t I will do as Andras did I never really learned to fight, and anyway, it's too late Don't be sad that it didn't turn out as we'd hoped Hang on now: 'apres le deluge, tu! ' Grass is growing over you already You can't imagine how very much I miss you I miss you both so much Laszlo is dead, just like you He doesn't even have a grave His friend Wieck sent him up the chimney He only saved those who could help him after the war He planned it well He's a businessman Damn him to hell!>>完整场景
I'm surprised you're so worried about my safety.>>完整场景