
n. 公鸡;狂妄自负的人


Look, women, our rooster is crowing.>>完整场景
“Look at them priss around,” Needle Nelson said. “I used to have a rooster I’d match against either one of them.” “It’ll be winter before they hit the first lick at this rate,” Jasper said.>>完整场景
“If he wears that he’ll probably ride off a cliff,” July said, although it was true the boy needed a hat.“He can tie it on with some string,” Roscoe said. “It’ll keep that dern sun out of his eyes.” Now that they were ready, July felt strangely unwilling to leave. It was getting good light—far down the street they could see the river shining, and beyond it a faint glow of red on the horizon. In its awakening hour the town seemed peaceful, lovely, calm. A rooster began to crow.>>完整场景
“That’ll teach him to peck me,” Peach said. “At least I’ll get to eat him, instead of a skunk having the pleasure.” She went over and picked the rooster up by the feet and held him out from her body until he quit jerking.>>完整场景
His body flew off a few feet and lay jerking. Peach pitched the head over in some weeds by the jailhouse porch. She had not got a drop of blood on her—the blood was pumping out of the headless rooster into the dust of the street.>>完整场景
While July was waiting for Peach to leave, the rooster, annoyed at being held so tightly, gave Peach’s hand a couple of hard pecks. Without an instant’s hesitation Peach grabbed him by the head, swung him a few times and wrung his neck.>>完整场景
“It’s my rooster, but he won’t stay home,” Peach said. “I found him down by the store. The skunks will get him if he ain’t careful.” “Well, if he ain’t careful he deserves it,” Roscoe said.>>完整场景
“Where’d you find the rooster?” Roscoe asked.>>完整场景
“Hello, July,” Peach said. The rooster flapped a few times but she shook him and he quieted down.>>完整场景
Peach was picking her way across the main street of Fort Smith, which was less of a quagmire than usual, since it had been dry lately. She was carrying a red rooster for some reason. She was the largest woman in. town, nearly six feet tall, whereas Ben had been the runt of the Johnson family. Also, Peach talked a blue streak and Ben had seldom uttered three words a week, although he had been the mayor of the town. Now Peach still talked a blue streak and Ben was dead.>>完整场景
A rooster.>>完整场景
- That's a rooster, give me a wolf!>>完整场景
No, I said a wolf, not a rooster, a wolf.>>完整场景
Yet despite the revelation of the rooster's bark, the problem of sleep didn't end. Then one day, a new neighbor, a young lady, who often drank herself to bliss, got a gun and blew the rooster away. She became somewhat of a local hero.>>完整场景
But once I grasped the heart of the matter, I began to see the rooster in another light. I felt sorry for this fowl with an identity problem. And I wondered how it must react when its owners threw chicken bones to the dogs. Would it nibble on the remains of its favorite hen? I shuddered at the thought.>>完整场景
I thought I had a story for the Weekly World News. I could see it now. "The Rooster Who Thinks it's a Dog." Who knows what rooster dementia we had here? And whether the rooster chased cats up trees or pissed on fire hydrants, this wasn't clear.>>完整场景
In fact, I often saw it running alongside the dogs as they raced across the dirt yard, barking at passing cars or people. If the dogs went left, the rooster went left. They'd go right, and dang if that rooster didn't go right as well. Now I don't know if this is a regular condition for roosters.>>完整场景
It happened that the rooster lived with three dogs, a German Shepherd and two mutts. The dogs barked through their existence. They barked at everything in sight. I finally concluded that rooster thought it was a dog. Somehow, I didn't mind the dogs barking. But when a rooster barks, that's murder.>>完整场景
It worked on the brats next door, but the rooster never flinched. With calm aplomb, it continued to squawk. For one thing, the rooster never gave out a bona fide cock-a-doodle. It sort of shouted it out.>>完整场景
For late sleepers, day sleepers, or your plain, ordinary, run of the mill night sleepers, annoyance had this rooster's beak. It was enough to drive one crazy. Often, I open my back window that faced the alley just across from the backyard where the rooster made his home. "Shut up, or I'll blow your stinking brains out," I'd yell. Great communication technique.>>完整场景
Luis Rodriguez: This is Luis Rodriguez. And I'm going to read my poem, "The Rooster Who Thought it Was a Dog." Echo Park mornings came on the wings of a rooster's gnawing squawk. This noise, unfortunately, also brought in the afternoon, evenings, and most hours of the day. The rooster had no sense of time, nor any desire to commit to one. He'd cock-a-doodle whenever he had the notion.>>完整场景
EXT. FRONT LAWN. LOEB'S MANSION - NIGHT The heavy LINCOLN CONTINENTAL sends rooster tails of expensive, manicured lawn high in the air.>>完整场景
Seemingly resigned, Andy turns around, leans on the rewind bench -- and curls his fingers around a full 1.000 foot reel of 35mm film. Rooster licks his lips, pushes past the others.>>完整场景
65INT -- AUDITORIUM CORRIDOR -- NIGHT (1949) 65 Andy exits the theater and freezes in his tracks. Two dark figures loom in the corridor, blocking his path. Rooster and Pete. Andy turns back -- and runs right into Bogs. Instant bear hug. The Sisters are on him like a flash. They kick a door open and drag him into -- 66 THE PROJECTION BOOTH 66 -- where they confront the startled PROJECTIONIST, an old con blinking at them through thick bifocals.>>完整场景
65INT -- AUDITORIUM CORRIDOR -- NIGHT (1949) 65 Andy exits the theater and freezes in his tracks. Two dark figures loom in the corridor, blocking his path. Rooster and Pete. Andy turns back -- and runs right into Bogs. Instant bear hug. The Sisters are on him like a flash. They kick a door open and drag him into -- 66 THE PROJECTION BOOTH 66 -- where they confront the startled PROJECTIONIST, an old con blinking at them through thick bifocals.>>完整场景