
n. 汽车等的仪表板;马车等前部的挡泥板


Tim leans over to the front passenger seat and looks at the two plastic cups of water that sit in the recessed holes on the dashboard.>>完整场景
INT. COCKPIT - FLIGHT 209 - NIGHT Clarence Oveur is in the pilot's seat. VICTOR BASTA is seated at engineer's console. There is a St. Christopher's statue on the dashboard.>>完整场景
INT. THE BAT-MAN'S LINCOLN CONTINENTAL - NIGHT A giant gloved fist pounds a series of heavy-duty switches bolted onto the dashboard.>>完整场景
THE BAT-MAN cuffs her to the dashboard. She's shocked.>>完整场景
GORDON grabs O'NEIL and SMASHES his face into the dashboard.>>完整场景
dashboard, then snorts it up her nose.>>完整场景