
n. 保真度;忠诚;尽责;精确


That by the bride's moral pledge of fidelity shall continue this noble race touched by that divine light.
>> 1900 Movie Script
“Don’t worry about months,” Po Campo said. “Months won’t bother you. I’m more worried about it being dry.” “Lord, it ain’t been dry yet,” Pea said. “It’s rained aplenty.” “I know,” Po said. “But we may come to a place where it will forget to rain.” He had long since won the affection of Gus’s pigs. The shoat followed him around everywhere. It had grown tall and skinny. It annoyed Augustus that the pigs had shown so little fidelity; when he came to the camp and noticed the shoat sleeping right beside Po Campo’s workplace, he was apt to make tart remarks. The fact that many of the men had come to regard Po Campo as an oracle also annoyed Augustus.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Well, what I would pay, if I have my money in Fidelity, isn't that... why do I pay these guys?
>> The China Hustle Movie Script
You can see my predicament. My weddingring, the symbol of fidelity to mywife, soon to be the mother of mychild, was now lost in the gut of anuncatchable fish.
>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script