
n. 物种;种类


Really bizarre. Mr Furlong thinks it might be a new species.>>完整场景
It could happen. New species are discovered every day.>>完整场景
Casey, I don't want to blow smoke up your butt, but I think you found a new species.>>完整场景
Alright, the species that we're looking at today, the saltwater crocodile, is probably the most dangerous member of the crocodilian family.>>完整场景
230. The speculator specifically specified the specification of this species specimen.>>完整场景
[Weir] We as a species need to live on multiple planets.>>完整场景
[Urban] Our entire species is contained to Earth.>>完整场景
We are fortunate, we've always been fortunate as a species, that there are people like that.>>完整场景
But ironically, without man's intervention the species won't make it on its own.>>完整场景
This protein has zero medicinal value, yet it is pushing a magnificent species to the brink of extinction.>>完整场景
Thanks to aggressive protection programs in countries like Namibia, the species recovered somewhat over the last decade to over 5000.>>完整场景
60.Among almost seven hundred species of bamboo, some are fully grown at less than a foot high, while others can grow three feet in twenty-four hours.>>完整场景
The killer whale is the largest species of dolphin family.>>完整场景
Orcas are the largest species of the dolphin family.>>完整场景
Over 100 exploitable species.>>完整场景
A strange east Indian guitar-whine begins. The Beatles. George Harrison's "Within You Without You..." 282EXT -- STREET -- DAY 282 ...which carries through as Red walks. People and traffic. He keeps looking at the women. An alien species.>>完整场景
The species has, like... Like a hive mind.>>完整场景