n. 画架;黑板架
- INT. LIVING ROOM -- DAY Gail works with pastels at an easel, copying from a posedphoto of a model in a cocktail dress (the music PLAYS OVERfrom the previous scene, and throughout this whole sequence).>> 金钱世界 All the Money in the World Movie Script
INT. MR. MARSCHAL'S LIVING ROOM - MORNINGThis brownstone has been home to the Marschal's for many, many years. It's filled with a lifetime of memories. Memories shared by two people. Two rocking chairs sit side by side near the windows that overlook the street... A corner table displays fancy wooden chess set. The game half-finished, frozen in a layer of dust... An easel stands before a piano. The incomplete water color painting of a smiling elderly woman sitting on the piano bench sits sadly on the faded yellow paper. Malcolm takes in the living room silently. He stands near the open door. Cole walks through the room. Tiny eyes searching carefully. He leans behind the sofa looking for something. Malcolm watches Cole with a crinkled brow. Cole peeks behind the old piano crammed against the wall. MR. MARSCHAL Maybe Jill will play for us when she gets back. Cole turns to find Mr. Marschal standing with a glass of lemonade. Cole takes it from his shaking hands.>> The Sixth Sense 灵异第六感 Movie Script