
n. 三脚架;三脚桌


They pass a well-dressed young man cranking the handle of a wooden Biograph "cinematograph" camera mounted on a tripod. NANIEL MARVIN (whose father founded the Biograph Film Studio) is filming his young bride in front of the Titanic. MARY MARVIN stands stiffly and smiles, self conscious.
>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
The shot missed the white man but wounded one of the Indian horses. The horse’s scream unnerved the shooter, who moved his tripod back another fifty yards. Augustus kept low and waited for darkness, which was only another hour away.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Finally one rode off to the east, returning about an hour later with a white man who set up a tripod and began to shoot at him with a fifty-caliber buffalo gun.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
I am waiting for the tripod, the others are setting up the bombs at the car.
>> 异形降临 Alien Dawn Movie Script
Maybe its from one of those tripod things.
>> 异形降临 Alien Dawn Movie Script
POWELL watches as the beetle image shows the older Somali Man cross the room to adjusts A CAMERA ON A TRIPOD. It faces A BLACK Al-Shabaab BANNER hanging on a wall.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
154 INT. OBSERVATION ROOM 154 Vukovich and Traxler are seated in the dark room, watching Reese, B.G., through the two-way mirror. Just behind the glass is a VIDEO CAMERA ON A TRIPOD, aimed at Reese, and a CART holding a SMALL MONITOR and VIDEOCASSETTE RECORDER.
>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script

INT. GIRL'S BEDROOM - AFTERNOON Cole closes the door behind him. He turns and gazes at the girl's bedroom. There's a hospital bed near the window. The walls are covered with get-well cards and drawings from family, friends, and school children. Her shelves are filled with puppets. All shapes and sizes of puppets. Next to the shelf is a puppet stage and a camcorder on a mini tripod sitting next to it. Cole walks to the shelf and picks up a FINGER PUPPET DANCER. He places it in his pocket. On the girl's desk, is a large collection of video cassettes. The labels read, "Puppet Show Christmas 96," "Puppet Show Birthday party," "Puppet Show class trip"... Cole reads the labels carefully before moving towards the closets. He passes the bed. AN EMACIATED HAND REACHES OUT FROM BENEATH THE BED AND GRABS COLE'S ANKLE. Cole jerks back startled. He watches as the girl's hand slips back under the bed. Cole stays very still. Waits. Nothing happens.He slowly bends down. His hands touch the floor. He tilts his head and looks under the bed. The emaciated little girl who came to his tent lays curled on the floor. Her bulging eyes glare at Cole. She moves suddenly. Thrusts a jewelry box forward. It slides across the wooden floor and stops just before Cole. Cole and the sickly girl stare at each other. Neither of them say a word.
>> The Sixth Sense 灵异第六感 Movie Script