
adj. 基本的;基础的


This is your basic mortgage bond.>>完整场景
Is that different than basic BASIC?>>完整场景
We try to take care of our people, so we provide some basic health coverage.>>完整场景
- Did anyone teach you basic math?>>完整场景
Swift, you know, wrote a lot of things about people farting because he saw that as an expression of our basic humanity that we're always trying to cover up.>>完整场景
Oh, I'm so sorry." And, you know, for guys it's like, "Hey, it happened." In the most basic sense it's funny, but it's not funny when you're taught by society that it is something you shouldn't do.>>完整场景
None of these attractions have been finished yet. The park will open with the basic tour you're about to take, and then other rides will come on line after six or twelve months. Absolutely spectacular designs. Spared no expense.>>完整场景
Once Dan, Matt, and the other shorts figured out the basic characteristics of the China frauds, they started taking them out, one by one.>>完整场景
I took basic astronomy and there was no mention of life, or children, on any other planets.>>完整场景
GAGE (CONT-D) "I read over all the stuff you sent me re Harvard Connection and it seems like it shouldn't take too long to implement, so we can talk about it after I get all the basic functionality up tomorrow night.">>完整场景
What's a basic Code Red?>>完整场景
They've done four basic trials...>>完整场景
8. Simplify your explanation so that YOU understand it. As long as the explanation is not simple enough for YOU to understand, spend more hours to break it down to basic, bare-bone, core ideas.>>完整场景
5. Actually put the time and effort: Once you have selected the correct set of topics, make sure you actually spend the time and effort to go through the entirety of the techniques. Feynman technique is great for having a basic framework of the topic inside your head with the details chopped off. It's important to get a very clear picture of the basics in your head right - the details can be filled in later.>>完整场景
He was just very cool and popular and I was not, that was the basic offense.>>完整场景
Which is fine. In low doses. But if that's the basic main staple of your diet? You're gonna die. In a meaningful way, you're going to die.>>完整场景
438. Based on the basic case, the purchaser found the vase in the basin in the basement.>>完整场景
The room has basic furniture. There is no one here.>>完整场景
Dr. Napier, it is my duty- it is my privilege and my honor to report to you that the students of eastside high have passed the minimum basic skills test!>>完整场景
In one hour, you're going to take an exam administered by the state to test your basic skills and the quality of education at eastside high.>>完整场景
It's a war to save 2,700 other students, most of whom don't have the basic skills to pass the state exam.>>完整场景
If you do not have these basic skills, you will find yourselves locked out, locked out of that american dream that you see advertised on tv, that they tell you is so easy to get.>>完整场景
In two weeks, we have a practice exam and the minimum basic skills test on april 13th.>>完整场景
Your students can't pass a minimum basic skills test.>>完整场景
75% of high school students must pass the minimum basic skills test, or the state takes control by the end of the school year.>>完整场景