
n. 委托人;顾客;客户


Because we need to be able to expense the ammo to a client!>>完整场景
I think I prefer to see my client privately.>>完整场景
Sir, my client has answered every question asked by this committee with the utmost cooperation and sincerity. He has not taken that Fifth Amendment as it was his right to do, and which because of the extreme legal complexity of this hearing, counsel advised him to do.>>完整场景
Senator, my client would like to read a statement for the record.>>完整场景
Sidi... I love you It will not complete Can not be completed ! This is illogical With you, the investigator has been giving you permission engaged ! Shot Are you okay? - For - O client has been canceled your comment Thank you, sir Your job has been canceled It is unlocked now Thank you, sir "(We have managed it, I've been able to (Alexander Pearce" Where?>>完整场景
- Are you gonna charge my client or not?>>完整场景
We both know your client crossed a line.>>完整场景
I'm with a client.>>完整场景
That’s right -- until you take some action, it's nothing more than a worthless hunk of plastic, like a loaded M16 without a trained Marine to pull the trigger. And in the case of the telephone, it's the action of you, a highly trained Strattonite, a killer who will not take no for an answer! A person who will not hang up the phone until his client either buys or f***ing dies!>>完整场景
CLIENT #2 (O.S.) 55 INT. STRATTON OAKMONT I - AUTO SHOP BULLPEN - DAY (APR ‘90) 55 The place is crowded; now 20 Brokers make up the salesforce. Sea Otter pitches a client.>>完整场景
50 INT. STRATTON OAKMONT I - AUTO SHOP BULLPEN - DAY 50 Jordan pitches the client, his voice lowered.>>完整场景
You must convince your client tobuy before the takeover happens, before the lawsuit is settled, before the patent is granted.>>完整场景
You've saddled this nation in its moment of peril with a voiceless King. Destroyed the happiness of my family...all for the sake of ensnaring a star client you knew you couldn't possibly assist!>>完整场景
A lot of times, the manager of the local bank, will actually reprogram the books of the bank to make it look like the books of his client are better than they are.>>完整场景
As I was saying, in pulling the records I noticed my client purchased the land and mineral rights from your client in a land-swap more than two years ago.>>完整场景
Please the court, I'd like to request a recess in order to confer with my client.>>完整场景
Don't you dare lump me in with Jessep and Markinson and Kendrick because we wear the same uniform. I'm your friend, Danny, and I'm telling you, I don't think your clients belong in jail. But I don't get to make that decision. I represent the Government of the United States. Without passion or prejudice. And my client has a case.>>完整场景
Jo, if you ever speak to a client of mine again without my permission, I'll have you disbarred. Friends?>>完整场景
(beat) Lieutenant, this letter makes it look like your client had a motive to kill Santiago.>>完整场景
SPRADLING: Yeah, well your client thought it was marijuana.>>完整场景
- If the allergic dog client calls, I'm not answering it, otherwise it's all yours.>>完整场景
714. The recipe recipient transiently made the conscientious alien client unconscious.>>完整场景
Its just going to complicate a simple financial deal between your client and mine.>>完整场景
I have a web-site that explains my technique. I feel that if my client is naked, it’s more comfortable if I meet them on the same level... CUT TO BLACK.>>完整场景
Sir. She's a prospective client of Stanley's.>>完整场景