
adj. 发狂的;心烦意乱的


(turning) Dave. You seem upset and distraught.>>完整场景
- Distraught.>>完整场景
IN HIS ROOM, D'ARTAGNAN has been standing at his window, for his nightly glimpse of Anne. Now he sees her, not with her retinue of nuns, but running to her chapel, clearly distraught... INT./ EXT. PALACE GARDEN - GARDEN CHAPEL - NIGHT Anne reaches the door, and finds a few nuns and an old priest praying in the little chapel. She staggers forward to the altar. and falls to her knees there. The nuns and the old priest, seeing the Queen Mother so distraught, stand silently and file out, leaving her in solitude.>>完整场景
EXT. ALLEY BEHIND RESTAURANT – MOMENTS LATER Kat exits the restaurant, DISTRAUGHT, walking past a waiting THUG, then sliding into the back seat of a MERCEDES.>>完整场景