
adv. 完全地,彻底地;完整地


Sprung a man from jail, commandeered a ship of the fleet, sailed with a buccaneer crew out of Tortuga... and you're completely obsessed with treasure.>>完整场景
- [Narrator] Completely undisturbed, everything still in its place.>>完整场景
A sailor staggers toward the hospital from the Nevada. He is completely gray. Everyone stares at him, and then realizes he is nude, burned gray, his skin ash.>>完整场景
ON THE SURFACE the men are launched almost completely out of the water, before splashing back into the water and burning oil. A few feet of the steel hull and a portion of the propeller protrude above the surface, but most of the Oklahoma is under water.>>完整场景
Evelyn nods, still staring away from Danny. This pierces Danny; he looks away, struggling not to let the emotions pull him completely under.>>完整场景
Before it completely comes apart, it explodes.>>完整场景
The scc was completely overhauled and congress had no choice, but to break up the big banks and regulate the mortgage and derivative industries just kidding!>>完整场景
It's possible that we are in a completely fraudulent system.>>完整场景
We know, it's completely backwards!>>完整场景
And you're completely sure of the math?>>完整场景
The only one who is not completely taken off guard is Michael, who quietly steps back, and disappears from the room.>>完整场景
I know that's upset you in the past; and you've felt that it was because of some lack of trust or confidence. But it is because I do trust you that I've kept so much secret from you. It's precisely that at this moment, you are the only one that I can completely trust. In time, you'll understand everything.>>完整场景
It made me think of what you told me once. In five years, the Corleone family will be completely legitimate. That was seven years ago.>>完整场景
Believe in a family. Can you believe in your country? Those Pezzonovante of the State who decide what we shall do with our lives? Who declare wars they wish us to fight in to protect what they own. Do you put your fate in the hands of men whose only talent is that they tricked a bloc of people to vote for them? Michael, in five years the Corleone family can be completely legitimate. Very difficult things have to happen to make that possible. I can't do them anymore, but you can, if you choose to.>>完整场景
Sonny...Sonny--Jesus Christ, I'm down at the hospital. I came down late. There's no one here. None of Tessio's people--no detectives, no one. The old man is completely unprotected.>>完整场景
The car pulls out. By now, PAULIE is completely relaxed and secure.>>完整场景
Are you completely mad?>>完整场景
They're... They're completely blocking them.>>完整场景
Can I be completely frank with you, sir?>>完整场景
They completely conquered us.>>完整场景
Soon, Drew tires of this game and decides to end this quickly. He goes after Trevor, and it is immediately obvious that Trevor is completely outclassed. Drew scores on Trevor at will, and soon has Trevor totally confused and helpless with a mixture of high kicks, takedowns, flips and punches.>>完整场景
ANGLE ON DREW: Holding up the heavy stone panel with his arm, his face and body completely relaxed.>>完整场景
EXT. SHAOLIN TEMPLE – SAME DAY ANGLE ON DREW: As he leaves the temple. He pauses for a moment with the door open, then shuts it sadly. He looks out over the courtyard, which is completely deserted. Drew sighs, hitches his backpack onto his back and starts out.>>完整场景
Yes. But, I am not completely blameless...>>完整场景
They are running their hands over their heads. Drew comes out of the building, his head shaved completely clean.>>完整场景