n. 出席者;在场者
- * 215C-G A SNAPSHOT OF JORDAN’S CHILDHOOD HOME, then OF HIS CURRENT ESTATE, FOLLOWED BY EXAMPLES OF WEALTH: his sportscars, Naomi in a bikini, stock footage of a jet... 215C-G JORDAN (V.O.) From these humble middle-class beginnings, I now live here...withmy beautiful wife andkids...living the lifestyle of ourdreams... 215H THE SEMINAR. Jordan high-fives attendees. 215H JORDAN (V.O.) Now I’m passing along the secretsto my success in my 90-minute freeseminar, “Jordan Belfort’s Straight Line Persuasion.” 215J FIRST TESTIMONIAL. A MAN holds a framed check. 215J>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
- I don't think so. Do you? Drew gets the message, at the same time Joe is checking out all the attendees, his eyes come to rest on Drew.>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script