
n. 飞机库;飞机棚


sWO608, will land in the hangar 9 as ordered.>>完整场景
sWO608 allowed to land in the hangar 9. Please acceptable.>>完整场景
INT. CORRIDOR, FREEPORT – CONTINUOUS The Staff Member leads Neil and the Protagonist into the vaults... INT. TRANSPORT PLANE – CONTINUOUS At gunpoint, the Pilots nervously pull back from the hangar.>>完整场景
Norskfreight. They use the hangar on the west side of the freeport.>>完整场景

The rest of you bloody ponces are going to run it again until I'm no longer embarrassed to look at you! The other SAS troops run back to the start. When approaching hangar number one, the door opens slowly and the player enters. In the hanger, a group of four men are waiting. Two of them face the player and the two others turn back to see. They all wear gas masks, except Captain Price.