
n. 脑袋;头脑,智力


“Why?” “For putting that idea in your head,” Augustus said. “Jake’s an easy fellow. Ideas like that float right through his head and out the other side. But no dern idea has ever made it through your head. Your brain would bog a mule. Here I’ve been living in a warm climate most of my life and you want me to move to a cold climate.” “Why not, if it’s better country?” Call asked.>>完整场景
Jake looked thoughtful, as he almost always did. His coffee-colored eyes always seemed to be traveling leisurely overscenes from his own past, and they gave the impression that he was a man of sorrows—an impression very appealing to the ladies. It disgusted Augustus a little that ladies were so taken in by Jake’s big eyes. In fact, Jake Spoon had had a perfectly easy life, doing mostly just what he pleased and keeping his boots clean; what his big eyes concealed was a slow-working brain. Basically Jake just dreamed his way through life and somehow got by with it.>>完整场景
Augustus was not particularly nervous, but even so he had hardly started down the street before he got a scare: a little ball of shadow ran right at his feet. He jumped sideways, fearing snakebite, although his brain knew snakes didn’t roll like balls. Then he saw an armadillo hustle past his feet. Once he saw what it was, he tried to give it a kick to teach it not to walk in the street scaring people, but the armadillo hurried right along as if it had as much right to the street as a banker.>>完整场景
“I’ve reasoned it out,” Augustus said. “You could have done the same if you ever stopped working long enough to think.” “I can work and think too,” Call said. “You’re the only man I know whose brain don’t work unless it’s in the shade.” Augustus ignored the remark. “I figure it was a Kiowa on his way to steal a woman that lost that mare,” he said. “Your Comanche don’t hunger much after señoritas. White women are easier to steal, and don’t eat as much besides. The Kiowa are different. They fancy señoritas.” “Can we eat or do we have to wait till the argument’s over?” Pea Eye asked.>>完整场景
NEDRY (cont'd) Walnut brain...extinct kangaroo...hope I run over you on the way down - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -??-OR-??- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NEDRY (cont'd) Walnut brain...extinct kangaroo...hope I run over you on the way down - - He's near the top when the dilophosaur suddenly hops out right in front him, startling him. Nedry loses his balance and falls back, right on his rear. He gets to his feet, angry.>>完整场景
NEDRY (cont'd) Lame brain! What's the matter with you?>>完整场景
Do they show intelligence? With the brain cavity like theirs we assumed - ->>完整场景
He beat his rival by 20 points. No computer can rival a human brain for complexity.>>完整场景
If you had half a damn brain in your head, you'd know that.>>完整场景
JORDAN (V.O.) When I got home, I realized therewas no way Aunt Emma could smugglethat much cash by herself. Iracked my brain for another person with a foreign passport.>>完整场景
COSMO LANG: I must admit...unburdened with brain.>>完整场景
Bertie, you're Royal. Surely a prince's brain knows what its mouth is doing?>>完整场景
His father shoots Bertie a surprised look. Does the lad have a brain after all?>>完整场景
Will racks his brain -- does he know this woman?>>完整场景
- Well, he still has a brain.>>完整场景
What are you doing? Do you want to be President of the United States - or brain dead, stuck full of tubes?>>完整场景
You shoot it. It goes straight into the blood and brain.>>完整场景
So my foggy brain tried to remember where one tablet of NZT might be.>>完整场景
Can I combine these ingredients in the same exact quantity, yes, but, the exact method of delivery to the brain... Darts at a dartboard.>>完整场景
My brain was just pouring this stuff out.>>完整场景
The next morning, I sent a little probe down into my brain.>>完整场景
And you how they say that we can only access 20 percent of our brain?>>完整场景
They've identified these receptors in the brain that activate specific circuits.>>完整场景
I guess five years feeding earthworms has eaten what little brain there was in there.>>完整场景
You do brain jobs, I do boob jobs.>>完整场景