
adj. 恶性的;有恶意的;有害的


Everyone with a malignant, tentacled-- No, no, no, no. lt's-- lt's-- Tha-tha-that just helped me get here, okay?
>> 不一样的本能 Phenomenon (1996)Movie Script
You set me up, you malignant sow.
>> 再生侠 Spawn Movie Script
So I think you can understand why the timing of this... So, um, I'm sorry, as in, uh, as in malignant?
>> 钝感之爱 Anesthesia Movie Script
RED (V.O.) It's as good a thing to bet on as any, I guess. I had my money on Andy Dufresne... 18INT -- ANDY'S CELL -- NIGHT (1947) 18 The bars slam home. Andy is alone in his cell, clutching his clothes. He gazes around at his new surroundings, taking it in. He slowly begins to dress himself... 19EXT -- SHAWSHANK PRISON -- NIGHT (1947) 19 A malignant stone growth on the Maine landscape. The moon hangs low and baleful in a dead sky. The headlight of a PASSING TRAIN cuts through the night.
>> 肖申克的救赎Shawshank Redemption Movie Script