
adj. 完全的;完整的;彻底的


It's not possible to complete this project on time.>>完整场景
注意发音哦, project on time. don time. project的t变成了 d 和on结合,最后发音变成了“projek downtime”
You can do me no harm until the parley is complete.>>完整场景
- [Newscaster] Explosions at Pearl Harbor that has forged the will for complete and absolute victory over the forces of evil.>>完整场景
- [Narrator] A complete uniform.>>完整场景
- It's dark, I mean, there's no light inside the ship, it's complete black, so the only light that you have is light that's on the ROV itself.>>完整场景
They reveal a complete image of the sunken vessel in incredible detail.>>完整场景
We have achieved complete surprise! The first wave is returning, the second is attacking now, and we have lost only a few planes. We can launch a third wave, Admiral.>>完整场景
EXT. PACIFIC OCEAN - DAY A huge Japanese fleet steams toward Hawaii. It is an awesome sight. Carriers, battleships, destroyers, and entire battle group, traveling under complete radio silence, their hulls power through the waves. On the lower decks of the carriers are hundreds of planes -- fighters and bombers.>>完整场景
Twenty double-a tranches of abs cdo's eh yes.. But these eh... These are pretty bad absolutely, they're complete sh*t!>>完整场景
That is a complete falsehood.>>完整场景
DON'S BEDROOM (SPRING 1946) The DON is made comfortable in his room, which has all but been converted into a hospital room, with complete and extensive equipment. The various CHILDREN get a turn to kiss the OLD MAN, as he is made comfortable... and then SONNY indicates that all the CHILDREN, WOMEN, and CARLO should leave.>>完整场景
Let's see if they can complete the second half for a full 10 points.>>完整场景
At this point, the only question seems to be how fast they'll complete the tasks.>>完整场景
Teams must complete that first task within 60 seconds.>>完整场景
Sidi... I love you It will not complete Can not be completed ! This is illogical With you, the investigator has been giving you permission engaged ! Shot Are you okay? - For - O client has been canceled your comment Thank you, sir Your job has been canceled It is unlocked now Thank you, sir "(We have managed it, I've been able to (Alexander Pearce" Where?>>完整场景
! Discourse burn to ashes Do not touch the hell ! Collect the ashes and go by the expert Sosalehh in any way We can not cross from this narrow road We have to go from the back, come faster Turn left ! Come faster Let us Police, paved the way ! Damn This arrived on Wednesday So, for the last friendly face Exactly as you expected Do not care what he took by (What I care about is the money stolen from (Reginald Shaw ! And this person is the process of transport Ahmed Toubali) Marcel parcels) ... Of Algerian origin ! Seems that is married and has children ! It is also 4 feet shorter than the supposed to be ! At least this is not the man who expected to appear (Congratulations to you (Okachison You have to solve this issue certainly Seedy this morning had received a letter ... I think that we have a big reason in order to ...Alexander Pearce) has 744 million in legal expense) Which makes it sends something we can not be followed This process has now instructed me to ! Eight million pounds If there is a probability of 1 on a hundred ... You will succeed in this . It would be natural to complete this case But I do not find the probability ...In order to Thank you, sir ...Sir, we have expectations for the theft of in - Not now - "Leon" ! Will meet in the "Lyon" in the eighth and twenty-two minutes "Perhaps you will meet in a train station" Lyon "Yes, it is the train station" Lyon ! There will be a train at 8:22 pm ! Act now "Train to the train station" Lyon>>完整场景
Then you will be complete.>>完整场景
If we gotta complete the job, I'll let you know.>>完整场景
Final aerosurface checks are complete... as everything remains a go for the launch of the Ares 5.>>完整场景
-Flight, Guidance check complete.>>完整场景
Booster separation complete.>>完整场景
Launch status check complete.>>完整场景
Data dump is almost complete.>>完整场景
Problem B is this journey's gonna take me roughly 50 days to complete.>>完整场景
A complete loss of signal on Watney.>>完整场景