
n. [法律]故意的伤害罪;重伤罪;蓄意的破坏


To get in and out quietly, not to go in there and cause mayhem by killing their leader.>>完整场景
EXT. APRON, OSLO AIRPORT – CONTINUOUS One of the plane’s JET ENGINES has come loose, STILL THRUSTING, SWINGING AROUND, wreaking HAVOC for the EMERGENCY SERVICES – an AMBULANCE SKIDS SIDEWAYS, avoiding the THRUST... Mahir and Rohan stand at a distance, watching the MAYHEM along with DOZENS of other UNIFORMED AIRPORT WORKERS... INT./EXT. FREEPORT – CONTINUOUS EMTS race in past the Staff Member... INT. VAULTS, FREEPORT – CONTINUOUS Neil moves to the other door – works the lock – SIRENS sound –>>完整场景
ANCHOR, BRIAN Detective James Gordon wowed the city of Gotham by single-handedly rescuing a small child from the hands of an escaped mental patient and possible avoiding needless bloodshed and mayhem at the hands of this city's notoriously violent SWAT team. His comments to the press highlighted a growing rift between various departments within the police force. He hinted at charges of police corruption and promised to wage a one-man war on crime. I don't know about you Sandy, but this reporter finds such straight talk very refreshing.>>完整场景