
n. 洞,孔;洞穴,穴;突破口


They could hear the piano from down at the Dry Bean. An old-timer named Lippy Jones did all the playing. He had the same problem Sam Houston had had, which was a hole in his belly that wouldn’t quite heal shut. Someone had shot Lippy with a big bore gun; instead of dying he ended up living with a leak. With a handicap like that, it was lucky he could play the piano.>>完整场景
“She bit a hunk out of him, that’s why,” Pea said. “I don’t know why the Captain wants to keep her.” “Fillies are his only form of folly,” Augustus said. “What’s he doing letting a horse bite him? I thought you boys were digging the new well?” “Hit rock,” Pea said. “Ain’t room for but one man to swing a pick down in that hole, so Newt swung it while I shod horses.>>完整场景
Augustus held to a more leisurely philosophy. He believed in giving creatures a little time to think, so he stood in the sun a few minutes until the rattler calmed down and crawled out a hole. Then he reached in and lifted his jug out of the mud. It had been a dry year, even by the standards of Lonesome Dove, and the spring was just springing enough to make a nice mud puddle. The pigs spent half their time rooting around the springhouse, hoping to get into the mud, but so far none of the holes in the adobe was big enough to admit a pig.>>完整场景
Here we've got an ace in the hole.>>完整场景
That little fella, he could have walked into a big hole or got eaten by a croc.>>完整场景
Shut your damper hole, will ya?>>完整场景
The other raptor goes up in the air now, twenty feet off of the lobby floor, held fast in the mouth of the Rex. It stands in the entrance to the lobby in front of the massive hole it ripped through the Visqueen wall. It shakes its enormous head once, BREAKING the neck of the velociraptor, then drops it, dead, to the floor at its feet.>>完整场景
Lex goes down with the raptor, spinning into the hole in the ceiling, tumbling down. Grant grabs her by the collar at the last second, but Lex dangles there, above the raptor.>>完整场景
103 He squats near the hole, looking at the ground. He sees three sets of footprints. He follows them with his eyes. They head off in different directions, but all in the jungle foliage on either side of them.>>完整场景
The metal is twisted, as if gnawed, the hole is large enough for an animal to slip through.>>完整场景
Muldoon slows down, Ellie right next to him. They notice a hole in the fence that surrounds the raptor pen.>>完整场景
They're inside the jeep again, saved by the hole sunroof.>>完整场景
The bubble falls down onto Tim and Lex, trapping them, and the animal lunges down, through the hole, SNAPPING at them.>>完整场景
He reaches it, ducks inside, and pulls the door after him - - - - but there's no latch, just a round hole in the unfinished door. Gennaro backs into a stall, frantic.>>完整场景
MR. DNA (cont'd) - - and Virtual Reality displays show our geneticists the gaps in the DNA sequence! Since most animal DNA is ninety percent identical, we use the complete DNA of a frog - - 25BON THE V.R. DISPLAY we see an actual DNA strand, except it has a big hole in the center, where the vital information is missing. Mr. DNA bounds into the frame, carrying a butch of letters in one hand.>>完整场景
One SCIENTIST moves a complicated drill apparatus next to the chuck of amber with a fossilized mosquito inside and BORES into the side of it. MR. DNA escapes through the drill hole as the Scientist moves the amber onto a microscope and peers through the eyepiece.>>完整场景
84-85OMIT84-85 86EXT. OVER THE RIVER - DAY86 The pteranodon who landed on the top of the catwalk continues to SNAP through the hole in the enclosure.>>完整场景
The pteranodon JAMS its head through the hole, SNAPPING at them.>>完整场景
Grant and Amanda come up behind him. Suddenly, A SECOND PTERANODON CRASH LANDS on the catwalk enclosure about them -- right next to a gaping hole in the mesh. The catwalk GROANS with the extra weight.>>完整场景
CARMINE POLITO: You wanna talk jobs, investment, construction, if we can expedite a very wealthy man’s citizenship -- 149 INT. SHERMAN SUITE, PLAZA HOTEL - NIGHT 149 150 CAMERA PANS TO HOLE IN CORNER and CAMERA LENS --150 152 152 RICHIE DIMASO: How you doing congressmen?>>完整场景
It would change the course of his life, but more importantly, it was the first time anyone had poked a hole in the Chinese miracle.>>完整场景
Is the hole still dry?>>完整场景
Nah. Wrong hole. This is Second Platoon. First is 200 yards that way.>>完整场景
One man measures and digs, the next man places the post, the third buries it, they place the wire, and they move to the next hole that's already been dug.>>完整场景
EXT. FARM - DAY As two FARMERS shake their heads, we REVERSE to a show amassive hole punched through the side of a barn. It’s roughly the shape of man, but no human could be that large.>>完整场景