adj. 设计的,工程
- Roth engineered it, Michael. He made Pentangeli think you hit him.>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
- (I've) We engineered them that way.>> 侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script
- The "Muddy Waters Report" was the first major claim against a Chinese company, and it began to resonate throughout the industry nowhere more so than at Roth Capital, who'd engineered the deal.>> The China Hustle Movie Script
- The innocent snowflake engineered into a deadly weapon.
无辜的雪花变成了致命的武器。>> Monster Family Movie Script- Engineered to react specifically to your Sarnian biology.>> 带刀的辣妹 Babes with Blades Movie Script
- They produced DDT, Agent Orange in Vietnam, and then they developed a product called "Roundup." We started hearing rumblings about genetically-engineered soybeans that could resist the application of Roundup.>> 食品公司 Food, Inc. Movie Script