
n. [电]转子;水平旋翼;旋转体


Lovett, Buell and Bodine watch as the HELICOPTER CREW CHIEF hands out about ten suitcases, and then Rose is lowered to the deck in a wheelchair by Keldysh crewmen. Lizzy, ducking unnecessarily under the rotor, follows her out, carrying FREDDY the Pomeranian. The crew chief hands a puzzled Keldysh crewmember a goldfish bowl with several fish in it. Rose does not travel light.
>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
The Sea Stallion approaches the ship, BG, forcing Brock to yell over the rotors.
>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
137B THRUOMITTED: 137C 139EXTHELICOPTER LANDING PADDAY The helicopter rotors whirl to life as the chopper waits on the landing cross. Two Jeeps ROAR up next to it, one driven by GRANT, the other by HAMMOND.
>> 侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script
15 EXTHILLTOPDAY Two large, open-top jeeps ROAR down the hilltop away from the landing cross as the helicopter engines WHINE back to life and the rotors start to spin again.
>> 侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script
282 ANGLE - L.O.H. 282 The small helicopter's rotors are also turning. Brandt stands at the chopper door with Updegraf. Slams the magazine on a Glock .45, making sure it's in solid, thenslides the pistol into his shoulder holster. He checks his watch. Loud, to Updegraf -
>> 间接伤害 Collateral Damage Movie Script
Only good thing down here... Puteveryone on red till tomorrownight. And then, I don't care if there's a typhoon, I want thosefucking rotors turning.
>> 间接伤害 Collateral Damage Movie Script
98 99 EXT. FINCA (COLOMBIA) - DAY A sprawling farm/estate deep in the countryside. Beyondthe hacienda, we see a military compound containing tentsand three heavily camouflaged helicopter shelters. A recently arrived Light Observation Helicopter (LOH) sitson a chopper pad with its rotors still turning.
>> 间接伤害 Collateral Damage Movie Script
John taught us ways to dust them them. That's when the infiltra- tors started to appear. The Terminators were the newest, the worst... During his monologue we have PANNED into the darkness outside and to the helicopter, which flies OUT OF FRAME, leaving black. A ROTOR ROAR fades up.
>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
We were that close to going out forever... The helicopter moves overhead. Its searchlight illum- inates the car interior, moves on. Before the rotor sound fads, Reese starts the car.
>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
But he hears a RUMBLING... Sator, without a word, exits – EXT. SATOR’S YACHT, AMALFI COAST – NIGHT Sator GRABS binoculars from one of his men, peering out – A helicopter EMERGES from the darkness, THUNDERING IN... INT. GUEST STATEROOM, SATOR’S YACHT – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist listens to the incoming chopper – pulls on a black Windbreaker – quietly opens his door... INT. PASSAGE, BELOW DECKS, SATOR’S YACHT – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist makes his way, looking for an exit... EXT. SATOR’S YACHT, AMALFI COAST – CONTINUOUS The chopper descends to the landing pad – rotors turning as Sator signals his men to head in... EXT. SATOR’S YACHT – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist is on a roof overlooking the helipad... He watches Sator’s men remove a LARGE, GRUBBY CAPSULE and take it below as the chopper LIFTS OFF... INT. STORAGE AREA, SATOR’S YACHT – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist makes his way through the storage area.
>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
Cpt. Pelayo:

We're hit we're hit! I've lost the tail rotor! The Cobra spins out of control.
>> Modern Warfare 07 Movie Script

Seal Team Six has located a possible nuclear device as Al-Asad's palace to the west. NEST teams are on the way. Until the device is verified safe, all forces are to fall back to the east, over. As Outlaw Two-Five and Deadly start to pull out, a Stinger missile is fired from a distance and damages Deadly's tail rotor.
>> Modern Warfare 07 Movie Script
Thank God. Now could we go? Let's get this day started. Drew ushers everybody on, first Parrish, then Susan and Quince, Drew the last to climb on, shuts the door behind him As Allison hurries away from the whirling rotors. INT. ASTAR HELICOPTER - DAY The configuration of seats has Drew beside Parrish, in front of them Quince and Susan opposite each other in single seats. Just as Drew removes color-coded folders from his attache case and spreads them out for Parrish on his tray table, the pilot waves to Drew, indicating 'phone call'. Drew gets up and heads for the cockpit, Parrish scans the folders, glances over at Susan who is making some notes on a file of her own. He motions to her to please come sit beside him, she checks that Drew is still busy in the cockpit, tucks her papers into her carryall, and crosses over to Parrish who folds away the work that Drew set before him into his tray table, locks it.
>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script