
adj. 定时的;延时的


I'm sorry, I've been delayed.>>完整场景
JORDAN (V.O.) After fifteen years in storage, the Lemmons had developed a delayed fuse.>>完整场景
116. The delayed player delegation stay on the playground.116. 被耽搁的运动员代表团停留在操场上.>>完整场景
115. "The gay mayor maybe lay in the hay by the Baby bay," he says in dismay.
116. The delayed player delegation stay on the playground.
115. 他沮丧地说:“快活的市长大概躺在婴儿湾边上的干草中。”
116. 被耽搁的运动员代表团停留在操场上。
It was unheard of for the podium to be delayed.>>完整场景
But the chaos delayed the cops, from arriving at the location.>>完整场景

Bravo Six, the bird has been delayed, E.T.A. fifteen minutes.