
n. 解决方案;溶液;溶解;解答


Senior Software Engineer with a focus on remote work. Proficient in Ruby on Rails. Expertise spans 6 years in Ruby on Rails development, contributing to B2C financial solutions and data engineering.
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provide data-driven solutions
>> 40-Food and Talk
We are looking for an experienced developer to help us implement a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) search feature for our Ruby on Rails application. The ideal candidate will have a strong understanding of both Rails and RAG methodologies, enabling them to optimize our search capabilities and enhance user experience. If you have a passion for innovative search solutions and can work collaboratively in a fast-paced environment, we’d love to hear from you!
我们正在寻找一位经验丰富的开发人员来帮助我们为Ruby on Rails应用程序实现检索增强生成(RAG)搜索功能。理想的候选人将对Rails和RAG方法有很强的理解,使他们能够优化我们的搜索功能并增强用户体验。如果您对创新搜索解决方案充满热情,并能在快节奏的环境中协同工作,我们很乐意收到您的来信!
>> Jobs and 履历 resume or curriculum vitae (cv)
Swish the solution around your mouth for about 3 minutes.
>> 16 Ways to Get Rid of Canker Sores
Strain and let the solution cool.
>> 16 Ways to Get Rid of Canker Sores
Swish the solution around your mouth for about 2 minutes.
>> 16 Ways to Get Rid of Canker Sores
To use:
Dilute a 3 percent solution of hydrogen peroxide with equal parts water.
>> 16 Ways to Get Rid of Canker Sores
Swirl this solution in your mouth for 15 to 30 seconds, then spit it out.
>> 16 Ways to Get Rid of Canker Sores
Swirl this solution in your mouth for 15 to 30 seconds, then spit it out.
>> 16 Ways to Get Rid of Canker Sores
It has virtually all the features you could want from a modern job queuing system. Including robust concurrency controls, failure retries and alerting, recurring job scheduling, and so much more. In HEY, it replaced no less than 6(!) different Resque gems, as the one integrated solution.
>> Rails8
But tell us about the work we do ,so explain , for example , what are you working on right now or explain the design of your solution, something which relevant to our work. But you have to do it in English.
>> You don't need perfect
Credit will be issued for partial solutions.
>> 为人师表 Stand and Deliver (1988) Movie Script
43. Don’t delude yourself into thinking something’s working when it’s not, or you’re gonna get fixated on a bad solution.
>> 马斯克的给企业家的名言警句
- They created this really cool solution, which is essentially a big spool that pays out the cable as you go in, and then picks the cable back up as you go out, and the advantage there is you're not always pulling on the cable to get it further into the vessel.
>> Pearl Harbor: Into The Arizona 珍珠港:亚利桑那号探秘(2016) Movie Script
Nobody has any solution.
>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
I love him also, unfortunately I have a solution in order to I'm the same person at the same time ! Stopped I'm not just tourists Just a tourists He said that it is possible to be Arrest at a given moment Why?
>> 致命伴旅 The Tourist (2010) Movie Script
This is the most peaceful solution.
>> 新少林寺 Shaolin (2011)Movie Script
Do you have any other solution?
>> 新少林寺 Shaolin (2011)Movie Script
Good news, I may have a solution to my heating problem.
>> 火星救援 The Martian (2015) Movie Script
Just thinking of such a simple solution seemed to ease her mind a bit—she could have Zwey shoot her. And yet, days passed and she got so she could sit up in bed, and she didn’t do it. Her mind kept going back to the spot of sunlight where Dee’s face had vanished. His face had just faded into the sunlight. She couldn’t stop thinking of it—in dreams she would see it so clearly that she would wake up, to the sound of Zwey’s snoring. He slept outside her window, with his back to the wall of the house—his snores were so loud a person might have thought a bull was sleeping there.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“I got the solution to both our problems,” Louisa said. “You let that sheriff find his own wife and stay here and we’ll get married.” She said it in the same confident, slightly loud voice that she always seemed to use—after a day of yelling at mules it was probably hard to speak in a quiet voice.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Some nights, laying on the porch, he felt a fool for even thinking about such things, and yet think he did. He had lived with men his whole life, rangering and working; during his whole adult life he couldn’t recollect spending ten minutes alone with a woman. He was better acquainted with Gus’s pigs than he was with Mary Cole, and more comfortable with them too. The sensible thing would be to ignore Gus and Deets and think about things that had some bearing on his day’s work, like how to keep his old boot from rubbing a corn on his left big toe. An Army mule had tromped the toe ten years before, and since then it had stuck out slightly in the wrong direction, just enough to make his boot rub a corn. The only solution to the problem was to cut holes in his boot, which worked fine in dry weather but had its disadvantages when it was wet and cold. Gus had offered to rebreak the toe and set it properly, but Pea didn’t hate the corn that bad. It did seem to him that it was only common sense that a sore toe made more difference in his life than a woman he had barely spoken to; yet his mind didn’t see it that way. There were nights when he lay on the porch too sleepy to shave his corn, or even to worry about the problem, when the widow Cole would pop to the surface of his consciousness like a turtle on the surface of a pond. At such times he would pretend to be asleep, for Gus was so sly he could practically read minds, and would surely tease him if he figured out that he was thinking about Mary and her scratchy voice.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Well, Deets, you just got one name,” Augustus said. “Most people got two. Maybe you’ve got two and just forgot one of them.” Deets sat around thinking for a day or two, but he could not remember ever having another name, and Call’s recollection bore him out. At that point even Augustus began to think the sign was more trouble than it was worth, since it was turning out to be so hard to please everyone. The only solution was to think up another name to go with Deets, but while they were debating various possibilities, Deets’s memory suddenly cleared.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
The solution, maybe, for a lot of the world's problem is just: turn around take a forward step!
>> 180°以南 180° South (2010) Movie Script
The solution, I think, it's in all of us, and I learned that in the South with Douglas.
>> 180°以南 180° South (2010) Movie Script