
n. 木柴;柴火


There ain't no barn no more, Miss Scarlett. The Yankees done burned it to firewood.
>> 飘 Gone with the Wind Movie Script
(Sicilian O.S.) ...misery to any family who harbors the boy, Vito... INT. A BARN - NIGHT Four little girls watch with wide eyes as their mother and father bind Vito tightly in swaddled cloth, and then lift him up to the side of a mule; counter-balancing a heavy load of firewood. The father looks at the boy's almost stoically calm little face.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
BUTTERCUP IN THE KITCHEN - DUSK Westley enters with an armload of firewood.
>> The Princess Bride Movie Script
Before the work had been in progress a week, an event occurred which changed the men’s attitudes dramatically. The event was a blizzard, which howled out of the north for three days. Only the fact that Call had seen to it that ample firewood had been cut saved the outfit. The men had never known or imagined such cold. They built two large fires and huddled between them, feeding them logs, freezing on the side not closest to the fire. The first day there was no visibility at all—the men could not even to go the horses without the risk of being lost in the swirling snow.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Buenos dias,” Po Campo said to the group at large. “If that donkey ever gets here we’ll have breakfast.” “Why can’t we have it now?” Augustus asked. “You’re here and I see you brought the eggs.” “Yes, but I need my skillet,” Po Campo said. “I’m glad I spotted those plovers. It’s not every day I find this many plover’s eggs.” “It’s not every day I eat them,” Augustus said. “What’d you say your name was?” “Po Campo,” the old man said. “I like this boy here. He helped me gather these eggs, although he’s bunged up from gettin’ throwed.” “Well, I’m Augustus McCrae,” Augustus said. “You’ll have to do the best you can with this rough old crew.” Po Campo whistled at his donkey. “Plover’s eggs are better than quail’s eggs,” he said. “More taste, although quail’s eggs aren’t bad if you boil them and let them cool.” He went around the camp shaking hands with each man in turn. By the time he had finished meeting the crew the donkey had arrived, and in a remarkably short time Po Campo had unpacked a huge skillet, made himself a little grill with a couple of branding irons laid across two chunks of firewood, and had scrambled up sixty or seventy plover’s eggs. He sprinkled in a few spices from his pack and cooked the eggs until they could be cut in slices, like an egg pie. After sampling his own wares and grunting cryptically, he gave each man a slice. Some, like Jasper, were reluctant to sample such exotic fare, but once they had eaten a bite or two their reluctance disappeared.“Dern, this is the best bird-egg pie I ever tasted,” Jasper admitted. “It’s better than hen’s eggs.” “Don’t you even know an omelet when you see one, Jasper?” Augustus said. He was miffed to see the new cook become a hero in five minutes, whereas he had cooked excellent biscuits for years and drawn little praise.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
The cattle, still fresh to the trail, were not easily controlled. The brush was bad, the weather no better. It rained for three days and the mosquitoes were terrible. The men were not used to the night work and were irritable as hens. Bert Borum and Soupy Jones had an argument over how to hobble a horse and almost came to blows. Lippy had been put in charge of firewood, and the wood he cut didn’t suit Bolivar, who was affronted by Lippy’s very presence. Deets had fallen into one of his rare glooms, probably because he felt partly to blame for the boy’s death.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
The stump edged out of the ground a little farther, but it didn’t come loose. Roscoe hadn’t handled an ax much in the last few years and was awkward with it. Cutting roots was not like cutting firewood. The roots were so tough the ax tended to bounce unless the hit was perfect. Once he hit a root too close to the stump and the ax bounced out of his hand and nearly hit the woman on the foot.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Augustus stood up. “Let’s go for a stroll,” he said. “This man don’t like folks idling in his kitchen after a certain hour.” They walked out into the hot morning. The sky was already white. Bolivar followed them out, picking up a rawhide lariat that he kept on a pile of firewood back by the porch. They watched him walk off into the chaparral, the rope in his hand.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
EXT. CHATEAU - NIGHT As Aramis and Athos are downstairs arguing, we PAN UP to the window of a candlelit bedroom... INT. CHATEAU BEDROOM - NIGHT We PAN from the window to the bed... where Porthos is making love -- or trying to. We see his huge, bare, broad back, blotting out all view of his partner. He grunts, then roles over in despair -- revealing not one but three serving girls lying beneath him, jammed side-by-side like firewood, all nearly smothered by Porthos' bulk.
>> 铁面人 The Man in the Iron Mask Movie Script