
adj. 计算出的;有计划的;适合的


You just told me, one day you sat yourself down with a calendar and you calculated days.>>完整场景
“Or his dern pigs, if they’re so smart,” Soupy said. Both pigs were under the wagon. Pea Eye, who slept in the wagon, had to listen to their grunts and snores all night.Only the Irishman seemed sympathetic to Gus’s stance. “Why, it would only have left half of him,” he said. “Who wants to be half of himself?” “No, half would be about the hips,” Jasper calculated. “Half would be your nuts and all. Just your legs ain’t half.” Dish Boggett took no part in the conversation. He felt sad about Gus. He remembered that Gus had once lent him money to visit Lorena, and this memory lent another tone to his sadness. He had supposed Gus would go back and visit Lorena, but now, clearly, he couldn’t. She was there in Nebraska, waiting for Gus, who would never come.>>完整场景
All day he persevered, dragging himself along. He stopped less frequently, because he found it hard to get started once he stopped. Rest was seductive, made more so by his tendency to improve the situation through imagination. Maybe the herd had moved north faster than he calculated. Maybe Call would show up the next day and save him the painful business of dragging along with his crutch.>>完整场景
We're talking, my dear, about a calculated risk, which is the only option left to us. We will never find the command NEDRY used. He covered his tracks far too well, and I think it's obvious he's not coming back. So shutting down the system - ->>完整场景
Just then Billy is knocked down by the lead pteranodon. It strikes from behind with a brutal, calculated beak to the head.>>完整场景
Dan calculated that in order to fulfil these contracts, dozens of trucks would have to be loading and unloading goods all day.>>完整场景
I’ve calculated a sixty-five to seventy-five... COLONEL POWELL: If we can put the payload here or here, if we can still guarantee target fatality but reduce the collateral... A tense pause.>>完整场景
She’s taking a calculated risk here and she feels it.>>完整场景
Was it spontaneous? Was it calculated?>>完整场景
We calculated the money Ms Getty could have expected in her settlement.>>完整场景