
n. 狂欢节,嘉年华会;饮宴狂欢


Wh-- What am l, a guy at a carnival ?
>> 闻香识女人Scent of a Woman 1992 Movie Script
We can't let them come in here, Lorraine. Not the carnival!
>> 倒扣的王牌 Ace in the Hole (1951) Movie Script
MATCH CUT TO: A SPINNING PINWHEEL held by a LITTLE BOY. He’s slumped over his FATHER’sshoulder, being carried towards a big-top tent. We are... EXT. OLYMPIA CIRCUS - NIGHT ...where the second-rate carnival is parked for the moment inan Alabama field. To the left, we spot Edward, 20-ish, halfway through a bag of peanuts. He’s still carrying thebackpack we saw earlier, and scratched up from his tripthrough Spectre.
>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script
Formula One is so square, today is Carnival.
>> Senna Movie Script
I suspect Mr. Dufresne's answer to that would be yes. I further suspect he carried out that sentence on the night of September 21st, this year of our Lord, 1946, by pumping four bullets into his wife and another four into Glenn Quentin. And while you think about that, think about this... He picks up a revolver, spins the cylinder before their eyes like a carnival barker spinning a wheel of fortune.
>> 肖申克的救赎Shawshank Redemption Movie Script