
n. 惯例,传统;传说


Never actually been one for tradition.>>完整场景
The lmmobiliare has its roots in the European tradition. Please understand.>>完整场景
INT. NEW GENCO WAREHOUSE - DAY A newly acquired warehouse, stocked with cases of the new product "GENCO PURA" olive oil. It is the beginning of a new business, in the American tradition. Now they have one rattling old truck, and a few stock boys.>>完整场景
lt is not the tradition of this household to have our staff members, together with family members, mixing on the dining room table.>>完整场景
GAO (CONT'D) Someone should face him in combat. For the tradition of the temple.>>完整场景
If you deliver this, you may ask this master, the most advanced monk of the Shaolin tradition, any question you wish, and he must answer it.>>完整场景
I didn't think you were... (beat) The Shaolin martial tradition is built on challenges. We challenge ourselves, but we do not fight with each other. Never do we fight to see who is best – we train to be able to right wrongs, not to let our hands and feet express emotions run wild. A Shaolin never throws a punch or kick in anger.>>完整场景
This is the chamber where they had their first workout, and Drew just stands there for a moment, soaking up the tradition of it.>>完整场景
I've hired you to help me start a war. That's a prestigious line of work with a long and glorious tradition.>>完整场景
Their hard work and ability to live simply with the land is proof that we can learn from tradition.>>完整场景
JORDAN (V.O.) But what if they didn’t sound like jerk-offs? What if I took this bunch of nincompoops and molded them in my own image? I reinvented the company, gave it a new image, a new name. Something patrician, blue-blooded, something that reeked of tradition and anti semitism.>>完整场景
In China, business is done following a tradition of not having a particularly strong legal system.>>完整场景
And our next award, in the tradition of the great poodle handlers... where no actual transference took place-- All right. What you did in there, it was very nice, I admit.>>完整场景
-Not tradition, it's.... Look, we have things those computers can never have like instincts and feelings and moral judgment.>>完整场景
I know you have expressed misgivings... about the steel business... but perhaps this is the time... to seek the comforts of your tradition.>>完整场景
I have some rather painfuI news ReIative to the subject who's To be beside me at the next court baII You were the chosen one, I know But it's tradition it shouId go To the unquestioned champion In the haII And I'm convinced That spIendid Frenchman Can easiIy conquer one and aII And besting aII our IocaI Henchmen, he ShouId sit beside me At the baII I beg of you, Ma'am WithhoId your invitation I swear to you this chaIIenge WiII be met And when I have finished up The operation I shaII serve him to Your Highness En brochette You'II pierce right through him?>>完整场景
Master, that is the tradition of the Warrior Caste a gesture of strength and respect.>>完整场景
79.The practice of making excellent films based on rather obscure novels has been going on so long in the United States as to constitute a tradition.>>完整场景
A beautiful tradition, day in, day out, passed from one generation... - ...to the next, to the next, to the next.>>完整场景
(rubs temples) There's no transfer for you, Gordon. It's my responsibility to train young officers a proper respect for tradition, for the established order of things. You need to learn what it takes to be a cop in Gotham.>>完整场景
The Clintons are worthy successors of a tradition from Andrew Jackson through Woodrow Wilson.>>完整场景
Bill, after all, is in a long tradition of Democratic plantation owners who took advantage of women under their control.>>完整场景
LT. DAN Yeah, yeah, yeah, well you call those sonabitches again, call them again and again and again. I don't care how much it takes... FORREST (V.O.) Lt. Dan sure knew his stuff. I felt real lucky he was my lieutenant. He was from a long, great military tradition. Somebody in his family had fought and died in every single American war.>>完整场景