
n. 村庄;村民;(动物的)群落


You see, the day we left the village it was raining, so we had to take a special jeep to the main road... The Indian is dousing himself with a can of gasoline. In b.g. Randy is talking to passengers.>>完整场景
310 EXT. ELC JUNGLE VILLAGE 310 The village is a silent, smoking ruin. Everyone wholived there is dead. Troops check the faces of thebodies of the men against the freeze-frame of The Wolfoutside the Colombian consulate in New York.>>完整场景
295 INT. L.O.H. 295 Circling over the action. Brandt listens to RADIO CHATTER from the Blackhawks. The village is beingdecimated. Brandt's dream come true.>>完整场景
293 BLACKHAWK CO-PILOT'S POV (NIGHT-VISION) 293 The village and all its details are visible as differentshades of green.>>完整场景
And... 290 ANOTHER ANGLE 290 WHOOM! The first wave of BLACKHAWKS FLASHES OVER the village. Selena and Gordy barely have time to duck asROCKETS EXPLODE into ground targets, and front and doorMINI-GUNS SPIT BULLET-STREAMS that RIP THROUGH people andSTRUCTURES. And then the first wave's past.>>完整场景
289 EXT. ELC JUNGLE VILLAGE - NIGHT 289 Gordy and Selena ascend the bunker steps. They stop atthe top and peer into the village. An armed guerrillaapproaches, unaware of their presence. Gordy fumbleswith the AK-47, looking for the safety switch on the strange weapon. Selena reaches over and expertly flicksit off. When... They hear the sound of the CHOPPERS.>>完整场景
277 EXT. ELC JUNGLE VILLAGE - NIGHT 277 Water drips from jungle leaves and the eaves ofbuildings. We see the bustling life of the place, thefamilies, the women and children who live with and support the well-organized and high-tech guerrillamilitary. The village is simple but decidedly notprimitive. These people have generators, a satellitedish and a school with a computer. At night, the schoolis a TV room. Right now on the tube Daffy's getting hisbeak blown off.>>完整场景
Hitting the whole village couldmake for a P.R. problem.>>完整场景
269D CONTINUED: 269D BRANDT (O.S.) An E.L.C. compound... UPDEGRAF (O.S.) More like a small village. It's mobile, and it's not justguerrillas -- it's women and kids, too. Here it is by day... FOLLOW the laser TO: 269E SEVENTH SATELLITE IMAGE 269E a day shot of the jungle village. The laser indicates: UPDEGRAF (O.S.) Houses, barracks, school for the kids, cooking sheds, H.Q., latrines, gun pits... BRANDT (O.S.) They're not just hiding The Wolf.>>完整场景
I didn't travel all this way to have my daughter marry some schmuck from the same village.>>完整场景
This whole village died.>>完整场景
Have you noticed how few men of my age there are in this village?>>完整场景
You should hear what they're saying about her in the village.>>完整场景
Then why have you come as the village idiot?>>完整场景
Hey-ho, there's not a town or a county That will not yield its bounty up When our ship draws near Hey-ho, there's not a city or village That we will not plunder or pillage When we're up in the skies For who can fight a frigate that flies?>>完整场景
Hey-ho, there's not a town or a county That will not yield its bounty up When our ship draws near Hey-ho, there's not a city or village That we will not plunder or pillage When we're up in the skies For who can fight a frigate that flies?>>完整场景
Chace drops his stone, turns, and sees Gail in the alley: she's witnessed everything. She grabs Paul by the arm andhurries him to their car. Chace starts the Fiat - -- and they drive away, out of the village. Already, theCarabineri are apprehending the N'dragheta. A Carabineri sees Chace's car coming and calls out:>>完整场景
We can hear the DOGS BARKING in the distance:
the policecordon has encircled the village and is drawing closer. INT. BARBER SHOP -- EVENING Paul wanders into the shop, his head covered in bandages.>>完整场景
as he runs into the eerie, cobblestoned village of Lagonegro.>>完整场景
Chace looks down the highway, until he sees it on a nearbyhilltop:
the medieval-looking village of LAGONEGRO.>>完整场景

"The Snake" by Al Wilson That's good! You're getting there. Feeling it, yeah. Then you've go to and get your fancy moves. Do your high kicks. Come on, feel it. In time to the music. Something like that.Get the basics right and everything else will follow. Tell you what, mate... just stick to two and three. How come you can dance and I can't? Dunno. Take after me dad. Your grandad. What was he like? - Do you want to be buried or cremated? - Surprise me. - 'Bout you? - Neither. They reckon drowning's a good way to go, don't they? Dunno, never tried it. - D'you reckon he can hear us? - Doubt it. - He was deaf! - HE LAUGHS - Are you like him? - He was the talk of the village, me dad. Always tellin' stories. Used to sit us on his knee - and tell us all about the old days in Killarney. - How old were you? 29! Nah, dunno, four or five. Used to take us there in the school holidays. - Took us to the Blarney Stone. - What's that? - If you kiss it, it's meant to give you the gift of the gab. - So you'll have better luck chattin' up girls. - Did it work? - Yeah. - Shagged this girl called Mary there. - On the Blarney Stone? - Yeah. Me dad went mental. But I could tell he was thinking, "Nice one, son". You're meant to look up to your dad. I did. He was a hero. Are you like him? Come on. It's getting cold. - Leanne! - What do you want? - Can I hold him? - No! - Please, just for a bit? - Why are you suddenly arsed about him? You don't even know his name. Buy him some nappies. That wouldn't even buy him one. It's all I've got. Please? - Will it mean you'll leave us alone? - Yeah. Like that, divvy! He's not a sack of spuds. Hey, mate. It's Elliott. Hi, Elliott. His first name's William after my granddad. Billy Elliott?
Captain Price:

Mac's in trouble! Soap! Get to the barn at the northern end of the village and stop those tanks. Use the Javelin in the barn! Fall back to the farm at the top of the hill. Let's go. Now. Soap doesn't fall back.

Zakhaev. Imran Zakhaev. We fade out. The satellite tracks the village in Azerbaijan where the S.A.S. have recently captured and executed Al-Asad.

Building is clear. Move on to the next one.; This building's clear! Let's check the other buildings!; Building clear. No sign of Al-Asad. Move on.; Building clear. Let's check the next one. They push up the hill, eliminate the hostiles there, and reach a barn at the end of the village.

Building clear. No sign of Al-Asad. Move on. They continue to push into the village.