
n. 大衣,外套


EXT. A STREET IN BUFFALO, NEW YORK - NIGHT The neon lights that spell out "FRED'S PIZZERIA" go out; after a moment a man in an overcoat steps out, and turns to lock the door of his restaurant. The Corleone Waltz continues over this. He turns.>>完整场景
CAMELS SIGN (WINTER 1945) The enormous "CAMELS" sign, puffing smoke, below it stands MICHAEL, dressed in a warm overcoat, and wearing the hat CLEMENZA had given him. A long black car pulls around the corner and slows before him. The DRIVER, leaning over, open the front door.>>完整场景
The MANAGER helps him on with his overcoat. Once again, the DON glances out his window.>>完整场景
INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - NIGHT Will sits in a chair beside the bed, working through thecrossword puzzle. A KNOCK as Dr. Bennett enters with his overcoat and bag, ready to leave for the night.>>完整场景
EDUARDO--always in his suit-.-is buttoning up his overcoat as he walks and MARK zips up his hoodie.>>完整场景
441. When the boat floats through the throat, the goat in overcoat goes to the goal.>>完整场景
This is followed by a new overcoat.>>完整场景
Then he smoothly rolls to a crouch and slips the UZI machine pistol from beneath his overcoat, where it has been hang- ing on a shoulder strap.>>完整场景
MEDIUM ON REESE as he whips the riot-gun to a hip-firing posi- tion, his overcoat falling back with a snap. HE FIRES.>>完整场景
C.U. - REESE as he mechanically raises his beer. His knuckles are white. He slowly undoes the top button of his overcoat.>>完整场景
35 EXT. STREET - DAY35 Reese emerges from a stairwell behind a service station, his overcoat done up to the top button.>>完整场景
CUT WIDER as Reese hefts the weapon. He is crouched in an underground service tunnel below a busy street. Shadows of people walking across a grating in the sidewalk above him flicker past. They can't see him in the darkness below their feet as he checks the gun's action carefully. He slips it under his overcoat where it hangs from a jerry- rigged sling.>>完整场景
Reese releases the animal and turns his back on it, selecting a long overcoat from a rack. The dog backs away from him, stiff-legged and confused.>>完整场景
All eyes fall on the tall stranger as he flings open his long OVERCOAT.>>完整场景
BRUCE puts on the overcoat and wide-brimmed, concealing hat.>>完整场景
EXT. EAST END SIDEWALK - THE NEXT DAY BRUCE, dressed in an overcoat, waits in a doorway while CHI CHI talks to SKINNY GIRL in fish-net stockings.>>完整场景
Moss is walking up in his boots and overcoat and hospital robe.>>完整场景
I got an overcoat on.>>完整场景

EXT. FRONT STEPS - AFTERNOON Cole is seated on the front stoop of his brownstone. On the steps and on the landing are his plastic soldiers in the grips of a war. Malcolm sits with his bag and overcoat on the step next to him. Malcolm just observes quietly. Beat. Cole glances up as he plays. Sees Malcolm's expression.
It's getting cold. MALCOLM CROWE sits on the floor at the coffee table, his vest and tie on the sofa behind him. A jacket and an overcoat lay on a brirfcase next to him. Malcolm is in his thirties with thick, wavy hair and striking, intelligent eyes that squint from years of intense study. His charming, easy-going smile spreads across his face. He points.>>完整场景